Chapter Seven - Christmas & New Years Eve

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Chapter Seven -- Christmas & New Years Eve

Bella's POV

Billy Black had invited me over for Christmas, the Volturi had sent me presents through the mail. It was a quarter after midnight, I had woken up from a very bad dream. Then I felt a presence of a vampire in my room, which caused me to become alert almost instantly. I growled out, "Step out into the light and show yourself." When they immediately stepped forward I relaxed because it was just Alice, she looked at me with sad eyes. She spoke, "We tried to stop him that day, we told him that he was making a huge mistake. He wouldn't listen to us." 

After a moment of silence I told her, "Edward's so stubborn, there's nothing that could have prevented this. He can't protect me from himself, he wouldn't give me forever anyway." Alice told me with a slight smile, "Never say never, Bella. You will be like us, I've seen it. I also saw you helped that young pregnant human with her hybrid." I asked, "What else did you see?" She replied, "I know where Edward is, he's in South America. When you sense his life is in danger, you'll go protect him." 

Then Alice left without saying another word, I just rolled around and went back to sleep. When I woke up the next morning I notice a white box sitting on the rocking chair, I immediately opened and pulled out the most beautiful lavender dress I've ever seen. I told Alice telepathically, "Thank you, Alice. The dress is so beautiful." I had a quick vision of her smiling and saying, "You're welcome, Bella." 

Three hours later I pulled out the big bowl of cookies I made the other night and headed for my truck, then I began making my way towards the reservation. I could feel Victoria watching me for a while, until I heard the wolf pack chasing her all the way to the Canadian border. She began panicking in her mind, since she feared they were going to kill her. Victoria became aggravated as I told her telepathically with sarcasm, "Are you afraid the wolves are going to tare you to pieces?" 

After driving for about thirty minutes I pulled into Billy's driveway, then I began walking toward the house with a big bowl of chocolate chip cookies.  Billy opened the front door, before I reached the house and let me in. Once I placed the chocolate chip cookies on the table, then I took a seat next to Jacob on the brown leather couch. Billy told me, "We're just waiting on the ham, Bella." I just nodded my head in understanding, he didn't say another word as he headed into the kitchen.

Suddenly Jacob asked me cautiously, "How has your day been?" I told him without thinking, "I woke up quite alert because I sensed a vampire was in my room, but it turned out to be Alice Cullen." He questioned under his breathe, "Vampire?" When I realized what I had done I couldn't keep myself from cursing, I didn't understand why I had been so careless. Billy looked at me in shock, but he didn't say a word. Jacob asked, "Did I hear you right?" I lied quickly, "No, vampires don't exist." He realized that I lied, then it clicked in his mind the thing I killed earlier this year at the beach had been a vampire. He nodded his head in understanding as I informed him, "You can't tell anyone about this. You'll learn more about it next month anyway." 

There was silence between us until Billy announced lunch was ready, so we headed towards the kitchen table and sat down. They watched me as I ate my food, I think they noticed how much weight I had lost the last few months. Since the day Edward left me I couldn't eat that much, it seemed that I couldn't eat like I use to. Billy told me, "You need to eat more than that, Bella." I replied back, "I'm sorry, I just don't have an appetite anymore." He sighed and didn't say another word, he knew trying to convince me to eat more was a lost cause.

Once Jacob and I finished doing the dishes we headed back to the couch and sat down, then I realized I had forgotten the Christmas presents at home. When I cursed under my breath and Billy asked, "What's wrong?" I told him, "I forgot the Christmas presents, I'll be right back." He watched me as I left the house, when I was outside I quickly teleported back to my house and instantly grabbed the presents before creating a portal and stepped back through to stand in front of the house. Jacob and Billy had been staring at me in shock, they had just witnessed what I had done.

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