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"it's amazing how much destruction on person can cause

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"it's amazing how much destruction on person can cause."

— E X H A U S T I O N —

SO, HOW DO YOU continue? How do you continue living once you know how soon you're going to die? Once you've been given your expiration date?

Cold and dead, you walk through the place that once was your childhood symbol of life and light feeling absolutely nothing. Your skin turns from tanned and rosey to marble and pure white. This is it. This is what dying is.

Sage Marie Mary-Windsor— dying, marble, and beyond cold.

Maybe it was just that she couldn't feel anything since she told the love of her life that he would have to live most of his life without her, but Sage was empty. Completely, heart-wrenchingly empty. She couldn't remember the last time she felt so hollow, but never had it been this bad.

Her galaxy had turned void, the stars had died and planets gone. The stardust faded, and the supermassive black hole in the center no longer pulsed and pulled.

There was only one star left—


The night Sage returned to the dorms Sirius walked her back, holding her hand and a bag of medicines as well as potions. It hadn't sunk in yet, that their vows would be limited till death took her part from his in just years from their current future. Everything good in his life always became temporary. . . even her.

Sage was sitting next to Lily, the redhead deeply engaged in the lesson Professor McGonagall was giving. The young woman was exhausted, it was her first day back in class after missing almost two weeks of material. The semester had started and Sage didn't touch anything to get them back to where she was before.

Many things felt. . . useless, at this point in time. She was her own graveyard, her mind a cemetery of her plans, her dreams. The ability to decide her future was taken from her before she was even born, now her ability to have one was also gone.

It was a sad state of affairs.

"Sage?" Lily was snapping her fingers in the young woman's face to pull her out of space.

"Sorry- I'm very out of it today, my apologies." Sage looked up from her parchment paper, completely empty besides for her name at the top.

"Are you sure you're okay? You seem quite pale," Lily's face was covered in concern.

Sage felt incredibly guilty that Lily had been the one to take her down, to have to witness her collapsing under her own weight. The redhead had treated her like porcelain since like she could break at any moment. She was almost anticipating it, constantly waiting for the moment Sage's face turns white and she hurtles toward the ground.

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