Happy Girl Part 2

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I've never felt more alive knowing I've made somebody happy.

I have no idea what I did to deserve such joy.

The fluttering sensation just beneath the flesh on your chest, the warmth that radiates all the way to your cheeks, the chills that run down your spine—it was bliss.

Well, I may be overreacting, but it did seem that way.

It was a ray of sunshine that crosses my eyes every time she opened the door, smiled up at me, and running my way to kiss me.

It was as if I were on a cloud the way her long hair engulfs me in an embrace.

Happy Girl was an amazing sight, and I didn't think I would be with somewhere this long and feel all these good things.

After every sunset, I was glad to hear wonderful stories of her day for 116 days.

She would tell me how funny it was that she spilt coffee on her self because someone tried to scare her. She would tell me how well she did at work that the big boss gave her a little consolation prize. She also told me how happy she was when her best friend got engaged to the person they loved.

Just good things.

Those were the only things that mattered.

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