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I remembered that one song in Princess Diaries that felt true to what happened to me that day—miracles happen once in a while.

It was like the Universe heard me and decided to grant me my deepest wish to break free from the hell hole that was in the gangsters' hideout.

For some wonderful reason, and by such unprecedented chance, some kids found their way to this dangerous place and became my rescuers.

I was tied by the table where the gangsters usually drink, gamble, fight, and do drugs, and they were all high and drunk and sprawled on the dusty floors.

The kids seemed so skilled the way they maneuvered through the tight fences and wires that enclosed the area.

It was a fantastic sight to see but I was frightened for their lives.

Some of the gangsters twitch in their stupor and I felt like they could sense their presence and I wish I could yell STOP! but I couldn't.

The kids silently made their way to the pockets of the gangsters and I was astounded at their bravery.

How could these kids even learn such tricks? Where are their parents? Why are they lurking around at the dead of night?

Right then, I was more concerned than ever. They were strangers, sure, but they were kids nonetheless.

They took all they could—money, stolen gold, jewelry, and some food.

Some of them rushed out quietly, but there was this one kid with the ruffled hair and bright green eyes who stood still and stared right at me while his hand gestured for his friends to go out right behind him.

I held on to the little bit of hope I had and started praying.

The kid looked around, and then hurriedly snatched me from where I was and I finally had a taste of freedom.

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