Makoto x reader: I'm coming home - Confession

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Your POV

I lied down on my bed and think of the times Makoto and I hung out, I never got to tell him my true feelings. I'm scared that he will reject me, I can't think like that. I heard my phone go off, I answered the call.

"Hello?" I spoke

"Hey, (Your Name). Its Makoto, I'm coming home and I'll be seeing you soon. I can't wait to see you" Makoto said

"I can't wait to see you again. I've missed you so much, I just wish you were here right now" I giggled

"I'll be home in a few weeks, I have something for you. I have to go board the plane, I miss you" Makoto hung up

"I miss you too and I love you" I whispered

"I've stuffed myself this time!! Makoto probably has a girlfriend and now I'm too late" I screamed into my pillow with tears streaming down my cheeks


A few weeks have passed and I was lying on the lounge with a chocolate bar in my hand the door bell went and I placed the chocolate bar down and slowly made my way over to the door, I opened the door only to be pulled into a hug. Tears streamed down my cheeks and I hugged the person back, Makoto pulled away and looked at me.

"I've missed you so much. I just wanted to be with you everyday of the week and I just wanted to hold you in my arms and never let go" Makoto embraced me, I hugged back and cried.

"I've missed you too. I just wanted you with me, I couldn't stand you being away" I cried harder

"I love you. I don't want to ever leave you again, I'm scared that I'll loose you" Makoto kissed my cheek

"I love you too" I buried my face in Makoto's chest

"I'm glad you feel the same way. By the looks of it you haven't had much sleep, lets go get some sleep. I'm tried and I don't want to let you out of my grip" Makoto picked me up bridal style and carried me to my room

Makoto hopped under the covers and pulled me along with him, I cuddled in really close to Makoto and balled my hands in fists holding onto his shirt. Makoto held me tightly against him, I looked up at Makoto and he looked at me smiling, I smiled and he smashed his lips onto mine. I kissed back and Makoto smiled into the kiss, after a few minutes we pulled apart so we could breath. I panted a little and smiled, Makoto pecked me on the lips and smiled. I closed my eyes and slowly fell asleep in Makoto's arms.


I opened my eyes to see Makoto sleeping next to me, I cuddled closer and a pair of arms wrapped tightly around my smaller frame. I smiled and kissed Makoto on the cheek, Makoto smiled and held me tightly against him. Makoto chuckled.

"Mmmm I've missed you so much" Makoto nuzzled your cheek

"I've missed you too" I kissed Makoto on the cheek

"I don't want to ever leave you. I can't bare to be without you" Makoto whined into my neck

"I can't live without you" I closed my eyes really tightly

"Well I have to go back to Tokyo next month and I was thinking that you could come live with me" Makoto asked slowly

"I'd love to" I giggled

"Really?" Makoto asked in excitement

"Yeah." I smiled

"Yay~ We can live together and I get to come home to see you everyday" Makoto chuckled

"Yeah" I smiled


I put the last box in our bedroom, Makoto wrapped his arms around my waist and let his head rest in the crook of my neck. Makoto nuzzled my cheek and I giggled, Makoto smiled.

"So how do you like it?" Makoto asked into my neck

"I don't like it..." I smiled

"What!?" Makoto almost shouted

"I LOVE IT!" I squealed

"You had me there" Makoto sighed in relief

"Haha sorry" I giggled

"That's alright. I have to go to work tomorrow" Makoto sighed

"Its alright. I'll stay home and unpack my things" I smiled

"Ok" Makoto smiled


I made breakfast for Makoto and set it on a plate. I set up the table and heard footsteps, I smiled and washed my hands.

"What smells so good?" Makoto questioned

"I made you breakfast" I smiled

"Thank you, beautiful. Looks good" Makoto kissed the top of my head and sat down.

I sat down and we started eating, Makoto's face lit up and he gave a thumbs up. I giggled and picked up the dirty dishes, Makoto pecked me on the lips and bid his goodbye. I ran into our room and began to unpack.

Makoto's POV

I opened the door and heard nothing, I walked into our bedroom and saw (Your Name) sound asleep on our bed holding a empty box in her hand. I smiled and carefully took the box out of her hand and placed her under the covers after taking her hair out. (Your Name) opened her eyes and leaped into my arms, I wrapped my arms tightly around her and she smashed her lips onto mine. I happily kissed her back and she smiled into the kiss, I lied her down on the bed. Our lips never parted, (Your Name) melted into the lip lock. I pulled away and panted slightly, (Your Name) pulled me into bed with her.

"You scared me" I placed a hand on my heart

"Sorry" (Your Name) smiled

"Night, Beautiful" I whispered into her ear

"Mmm Night" She cuddled closer to me

I closed my eyes and held tightly onto (Your Name)'s smaller body. I fell asleep with my girlfriend in my arms.

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