Everyone x reader: Tickles

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You crept up behind your boyfriend, you hands hovered just above his torso and just under his arms. You tickled Nagisa and he squealed like a girl.


You chuckled and Nagisa tried to get your hands away, You lifted your hands up and Nagisa grabbed them.

"You turn" Nagisa began tickling you

"NAGISA!! NO FAIR" You squealed

You tickled each other until you passed out.


You crept up behind your boyfriend, you hands hovered just above his torso and just under his arms. You tickled Makoto and he jumped away, you laughed and ran away from him.

"COME BACK HERE" Makoto chased you around the house

"No!" You giggled and ran outside

"I'M GOING TO GET YOU" Makoto chased around the back yard finally catching up to you as you slowed down

"NO!" You squeaked

Makoto trapped you between his arms and the wall, Makoto smirked and you poked his sides before you had an escape. You ran into your room and locked the door.r

"Hey!" Makoto huffed

"I'm going to get you" Makoto chuckled

You heard your lock being picked and soon enough your door opened, Makoto walked in and cornered you. Makoto smiled and kissed you passionately.


You crept up behind your boyfriend, you hands hovered just above his torso and just under his arms. You tickled Rei and held squirmed around before laughing uncontrollably, you chuckled while Rei tried to get away.


"That's the point" You giggled


You stopped tickling Rei and he got up and ran to the other side of the room, you watched him and giggled. You closed your eyes and covered your mouth, you opened your eyes to see Reid not standing where he was.

"EEEKKK" You squealed and jumped away

"Now you know how I feel" Rei hugged you


You crept up behind your boyfriend, you hands hovered just above his torso and just under his arms. You tickled Haruvard a smile make its way on to his face, you continued to tickle Haru. He squirmed around for abit, Haru started laughing.

"HEY! STOP THAT!!" Haru said in between laughs

"I MEAN IT!" Haru laughed harder

"What you going to do about it?" You asked

"I'LL GET YOU BACK" Haru said between laughs

"How?" You smirked, to your surprise Haru turned around and grabbed your wrists

"I'm going to tickle you" Haru smirked. You shook your head violently

Haru held your hands above your head, he poked your sides with his free hand. You laughed as tears fell from your eyes, Haru stopped and pecked you on the lips with that smile still on his face.


You crept up behind your boyfriend, you hands hovered just above his torso and just under his arms. You tickled Nitori and he laughed uncontrollably, you giggled at Nitori.

"(YOUR NAME)-CHAN THAT TICKLES" Nitori laughed in glee

"That's the point" You smiled

"AHH!! HAHAHA STOP IT!!" Nitori squealed

"Ok" You smiled and hugged Nitori.

"That was mean" Nitori smiled

"I love you" You whispered and Nitori blushed

"I love you too" Nitori smiled

"I know you do" You giggled


You crept up behind your boyfriend, you hands hovered just above his torso and just under his arms. You tickled Rin and he laughed uncontrollably.y

"STOP THAT!" Rin laughed

"Nope" You giggled

"I SWEAR HAHAHA" Rin laughed

"You swear what?" You asked

Rin tried to get your hands away, you let Rin catch his breath. Rin looked at you with a dark arua surrounding him, you put you head down while tears were threatening to fall. You felt two arms wrap around your smaller body, Rin pulled you into a tight embrace and kissed your cheek.

"I love you" Rin whispered in your ear

"I love you too" You smiled

"Don't do that again" Rin held you tightly against him

"Ok" You closed your eyes


You crept up behind your boyfriend, you hands hovered just above his torso and just under his arms. You tickled Sousuke,e he looked at you and you sighed. You walked away and turned the corner.r

"I'm glad she didn't keep that up. I would surely have laughed, I'm glad she doesn't know I'm ticklish" Sousuke sighed

You walked into your room smiling like an idiot, you fist pumped the air and giggled. Sousuke walked in and wrapped his arms around you, you covered your mouth and closed your eyes.

"What's wrong with you?" Sousuke asked

"Nothing" You giggled

"It doesn't seem like nothing" Sousuke nudged his head into the crook of your neck

You sat down next to Sousuke on your bed and started to get board, Sousuke was asleep next to you. You poked the male in the ribs repeatedlyy until his quietly chuckled.

"Sousuke wake up. I think I bleeding" You looked at your thumb that was on your finger

"DON'T DO THAT" Sousuke laughed

"You lied to me" You stood up and walked away

"I'm sorry, I just didn't want you knowing" Sousuke banged on the bathroom door you locked

"Please don't tell me your upset" Sousuke panicked

"Ouch" You yelped

"(Your Name)? Are you ok?" Sousuke asked and got no answer

"(YOUR NAME)?" Sousuke banged on the door again

"Stop yelling! I'm fine" You sniffled

"Please let me in" Sousuke pleaded

"Fine" You sighed and unlocked the door

Sousuke walked in and embraced you in a hug, he hid his face in your neck.

"Ouch" You hissed

"What's wrong? Oh your bleeding" Sousuke cleaned you up

"Thanks. It still hurts" You pouted

"I know how to make it better" Sousuke smiled

"What?" You tilted your head

"This" Sousuke kissed you on the lips


You crept up behind your boyfriend, you hands hovered just above his torso and just under his arms. You tickled Momo, he let out a high pitch scream.m You covered your eyes and closed your eyes really tightly.y

"What was that?" You giggled

"If you don't want to hear that, don't tickle me" Momo pouted

You picked up a pair of earmuffs and tickled Momo earning a lot of high pitched screams. The boys passing must have thought someone was killing a girl.

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