Nagisa x Reader

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Requested by missgabbs13.

-Your POV-

Someone kept knocking on the door, I groaned and rolled over hopping they would go away, two minutes later the person started knocking again. I sighed and got out of bed, I made my way down stairs where the person kept knocking on my door.

"WHAT!?" I screamed and swung the door open

"(Your Name)-chan!!" My boyfriend Nagisa giggled cutely and hugged me tightly

"Nagisa, you know that I like to sleep in on Saturdays" I whined

"I know!! That's why I came in my pajamas and I packed some spear clothes" Nagisa smiled

"You came all the way here so you could sleep with me?" I asked

"Yep" Nagisa nodded his head

"Come in come in and head up stairs into my bedroom" I smiled and let my little penguin inside

"Hehe~" Nagisa giggled

I shut the door and walked back to my room, followed by Nagisa. I hopped in bed and closed my eyes, Nagisa hopped in next to me and snuggled close. I smiled and slowly fell asleep in Nagisa's embrace.

Nagisa's POV

(Your Name)-chan fell asleep quickly, I snuggled closer and wrapped my arms around her waist. I soon fell asleep while holding my beautiful girlfriend.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter

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