MakoHaru - Yaoi

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Younger Makoto and Haru

Makoto happily made his way up the stone steps to Haru's house followed by his dad, Makoto slowly entered the normally quiet house. Painful screams filled the house, Makoto's dad rushed into the house.

"You worthless piece of shit!!" A male yelled

"I raised you to be straight not fucking gay!!" A woman shouted

"I'm sorry!!" Haru cried

"Sorry doesn't cut it!!" The male shouted

Makoto and his dad ran upstairs and into Haru's room, a man and a woman both turned around with rage in their eyes. Makoto's eyes widened at the sight of his friend beaten and bloody, Makoto's dad growled in anger.

"Who the fuck are you?" The male growled

"That doesn't matter. What matter's is that you're beating an innocent child" Makoto's dad growled

"I raised my son to be straight not gay. Being gay is a sin and Haru must be punished" The woman spoke

"I won't put up with you beating you're poor son." Makoto's dad stated

"Haru-chan" Makoto breathed

"Drop....the -chan" Haru coughed

"Ch." The male rolled his eyes.

Makoto's dad dogde an incoming punch, Makoto quickly ran to his friends side. Haru slowly opened his eyes and saw a blury Makoto, Haru reached his hand out to Makoto. Makoto grabbed his hand as tears rolled down his cheeks, Haru coughed quietly and groaned in pain. Makoto pulled Haru carefully onto his lap, Haru curled up and snuggled into Makoto.

"Makoto....don't leave" Haru mumbled

"I'm not going anywhere, Haru" Makoto held his friend

"Good" Haru slightly smiled

Makoto's dad lied the two unconsious bodies on the ground, Makoto held Haru close to him. Makoto's dad crouched down in front of Haru and Makoto.

"I'll cary Haru until we get home" Makoto's dad tried to grab Haru from Makoto

"Dad, he doesn't want you to carry him" Makoto stood up with Haru in his arms

Makoto and his dad walked down the stone steps, Makoto's dad opened the front door to his house. Makoto's carried Haru into his room and tried to place Haru on his bed.

"Haru, you got to lie in my bed so mum can fix you" Makoto spoke

"No, I don't want to" Haru held onto Makoto

Makoto's POV

"Sweetie, I've got the stuff to fix Haru" Mum sung

"Okay" I smiled

I tried go place Haru on his bed again but failed.

"Whats going on?" Mum asked

"Haru wont sit on my bed" I spoke

"Hmm, why don't you sit with him?" Mum smiled

"Okay" I hopped on my bed with Haru sitting in my lap

Mum crouched down in front of Haru and I, she pulled out disinfectant and a cotton ball. Mum dabbed the wet cotton ball on Haru's cuts, Haru moved closer to me and whimpered in pain.

"Haru please sit still" Mum asked

"It will be over soon, right mum?" I smiled

"Thats right" Mum agreed and quickly finish cleaning the wounds

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