Rin's New Kitty: HaruRin <3

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School ended and now it was the weekend, Rin dashed onto a train and waited impatiently to get to Haru. Some may say its a friendly gesture but to Rin he wants to take care of his ill friend/crush, earlier Rin received a text from Haru saying he has extreme pain in his lower back and head. Rin pulled the spare key from under the mat and unlocked the door, rushing in he took his jacket and dumped it on the floor with his bag. Rin rubbed what he guessed was Haru's back.

"R Rin?" Haru peeked out from under the blanket

"How are you feeling?" Rin asked and pulled the blanket off Haru

"You You've got ears... and and a tail" Rin fell on his butt

"Yeah I do" Haru stood up

"Woah" Rin stroked Haru's tail which was the same colour as his ears and hair

"Hey!! Don't touch it!!" Haru snapped

"Huh!?" Rin jumped

"Its... sensitive" Haru pouted

"Aww" Rin whined and stroked Haru's tail again

"Hey!!" Haru jumped away

"But its so fluffy!!" Rin giggled and touched Haru's tail again

"Rin, stop it!!" Haru laughed and jumped away

"So it tickles?" Rin asked

"Yes. So don't touch it" Haru sat on the lounge

"Its really fluffy and your ears are so soft" Rin spoke while petting Haru's ears

Haru purred and Rin gasped.

"Rin don't *Purr* you dare *Purr*" Haru tried to get away

"Haha the ears and the tail make you 10x cuter, Haru" Rin giggled

"You think they make me cute?" Haru asked

"Y Yes" Rin turned his face away

"Rin?" Haru called

"Hmm" Rin face Haru

Haru pressed his lips onto Rin's and kissed him, it took awhile for Rin to respond. Haru pulled away and cuddled into Rin's chest, Rin wrapped his arms around my smaller body.

"I guess you feel the same way" Rin chuckled

"I kind of made it obvious" Haru lifted his head off Rin's chest and stared into his red orbs

"I love you" Rin whispered

"I love you too" Haru smiled

"Arr" Rin grabbed Haru and rolled off the lounge

"Haha, Rin. What the hell" Haru chuckled

"It was tempting" Rin grinned and pulled Haru into a hug

Haru smiled and hugged back, Haru's front door opened and closed. Makoto walked in and gasped then smiled, Rin tried to pull away but Haru kept hugging him. Makoto chuckled and left, Rin stroked Haru's tail while hugging him, Haru giggled quietly.

"Rin!!" Haru laughed

"Your so cute" Rin whispered

"Rin, stop it!!" Haru laughed


"Stop it!! Rin" Haru laughed uncontrollably

"Ok" Rin smiled and cupped Haru's cheeks then passionately kissing him

Haru kissed back immediately, Rin pulled away for air and petted Haru. Haru smiled and cuddled into Rin, Haru yawned and soon fell asleep.

"I'll take you to bed then" Rin chuckled and Haru stirred

Rin placed Haru in bed and turned to walk away, Haru grabbed Rin's wrist and gave it a gentle tug. Rin turned around and Haru tugged him closer to the bed, Haru pulled Rin into bed with him.

"Oi! You scared me" Rin shouted

"Shh! Lets go to sleep" Haru cuddled into Rin

"Hey!! Don't fall asleep" Rin looked at Haru

Rin tried to get away but failed, Haru lied his head on Rin's chest and lightly snorred. Rin smiled and fell asleep with Haru.

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