Souske x reader: Haunted House

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Your POV

Your childhood friend Souske asked you to meet him at the carnival, you agreed and quickly made your way to the carnival. Souske jogged up to you and smiled, you walked around for a bit until Souske pulled you in line to go in the haunted house.

You were next in line, Souske pulled you into the house and tears streamed down your cheeks. Half way through the house you feinted and Souske kept walking, Souske looked next to him and panicked when you weren't next to him.

"Where did she go?" Souske asked

"Hey, she isn't waking up!" A male voice shouted

"(YOUR NAME)!" Souske ran towards you

"Do you know this girl?" A male asked

"Yeah" Souske nodded

"She feinted before I could scare her" The male shook her

"Why won't she wake up" another male asked

"I don't know. Maybe she is so scared that she just passed out" The first male spoke

"I'll take her back to her home" Souske lifted up in his arms.


Your POV

I slowly opened my eyes to darkness, I sat up and panted. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I held on to the blankets. I heard a loud crashing sound and let out a terrified scream, the door slammed open and the lights turned on with someone standing there.

"(Your Name)! Calm down, Shh!" Someone spoke softly, while holding you against them

I panted and my vision came back to me, I held onto the blankets for dear life. My knuckles were white and I was shaking badly, I turned to look and the person holding me. Souske smiled and I feinted.

Souske POV

(Your Name) feinted again, I shook her but she won't wake up. The doctor was here and told me that she is so scared that she'll just keep on feinting because of everything. I left the light on just in case she wakes up, I hopped in bed next to her.

"(Your Name) please wake up and don't feint because you saw me. I'm scared that I won't able to go near you" I whispered and fell asleep with (Your Name) in my arms.

I felt something move beside me, I opened my eyes to a panicking (Your Name). I wrapped my arms around her and lied her down next to me, slowly she calmed down.

"IT HURTS" She screamed

"Shh! Calm down, (Your Name) I'm right here. There's nothing to be scared of while I'm with you, calm down" I stroked her cheek until she finally calmed down

"Souske" She whispered and wrapped herself around me

"Shh! Go to sleep, I'll protect you" I smiled and kissed her forehead

(Your Name) drifted off to sleep while hugging me, I wrapped my arms around her smaller body and fell asleep with her.


I tried to get (Your Name) out of her room but she wouldn't budge, I put her over my shoulder and she tensed up. I heard small pants coming from her and sat her in my lap while sitting on the lounge, I held her tightly against me while she held tightly on my shirt. Her door slammed open and she feinted in my arms, I snapped my head towards the door and saw Rin walk in.

"RIN" I yelled and he jumped

"What happened to her?" Rin chuckled

"You scared her. When she wakes up your dealing with her, I'll be down here waiting for her to call for me" I placed her in her bed

"As if she is going to scream your name" Rin rolled his eyes

"Your going to scare her even more" I smirked


"SOUSKE!!" (Your Name) screamed

I ran upstairs and she kept into my arms while hiding her face in my chest, Rin sweat dropped and I picked (Your Name) up in my arms. Rin stood there dumbfounded, (Your Name) wrapped her arms around my neck and held on tightly.y I sat down on her bed and she watched Rin closely as he moved around.

"Rin won't hurt you" I whispered into her ear and she still held on tightly

"Ok" She smiled and buried her face in my chest

"I was wrong. I'm sorry for scaring you" Rin apologized

"It-Its o-ok" (Your Name) stuttered

"I have to leave now" Rin smiled and left. (Your Name) shivered at the sight of his teeth

"You alright? Lets get some sleep" I smiled

"Sure" (Your Name) smiled and crawled into bed and tugged on my hand

"I'm coming" I chuckled and climbed in next to her

"I'm sorry, I should have told you that I was scared of haunted things" (Your Name) closed her eyes

"Its alright. I should have asked you first, don't worry about it" I pecked her cheek

"But I still feel bad for not telling you" (Your Name) cried

"Hey, hey. Its over now, there's no need to feel bad about it. I love you" I held her gently against my chest and rubbed circles on her back

"I love you too" She smiled and giggled

"You need to go to sleep, I'll be here when you wake up so don't worry. Good night beautiful" I kissed her forehead and smiled

"Good night, Souske" (Your Name) giggled and drifted of to sleep

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