Tough on the outside: Momo x Tough Reader

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You're name was (First Name) (Last Name) the hottest most beautiful girl in samezka, boys would drool over you but they were all to scared to approach you. Everyone was scared of you, everyone apart from Momotoru.

Momo as he likes to be called is a first year like yourself and is the only one brave enough to talk to you or even get near you. After meeting Momo he introduced you to the swim team, at first they were scared of you but slowly you all became friends.

They soon learned that it was only the outside that was tough, you were a sweet, kind and caring person. You were loved by the swim team and soon became the manager, the rivals of the Samezka swim team was the Iwatobi swim team. After a few swim sessions you became fond of the Iwatobi swim team and their manager.

"(N/N)-chan~" Momo-chan called

"What?" I asked rudely

"I caught another stag beetle!! I haven't thought of a name yet though" Momo-chan smiled

"Name it Usami" I spoke

"Isn't that you're favourite name?" Momo-chan asked

"Yeah? What of it?" I asked

"Nothing. I'll name it Usami" Momo grinned

"What a looser!"
"I know! Momotoru obviously can't see that (Last Name)-san hates his company"
"Why does he even hang around her in the first place?"

Many people snickered.

Momo frowned and his shoulders slumped slightly, I growled and stalked over to them.

"Ah!! (Last Name)-san, is there anything you need?" A boy asked

I grabbed him by the throat and shoved him against the wall, I glared at the others as they froze in their spots.

"Say shit once more about Momo-chan and I'll show you how mad I can get" I snarled and glared

"H-Hai (Last Name)-san" The boy whimpered

"Don't talk to me unless it's important and that goes for the rest of the school, now go tell everyone" I dropped the boy and walked back over to Momo-chan

"(N/N)-chan, you didn't have to do that" Momo-chan stated shyly with a slight blush

"Of course I did, Baka" I smiled fondly

"What happens when Matsuoka-Senpai finds out?" Momo-chan asked

"Well, I'll deal with it when it comes to that time" I shrugged

"Thanks" Momo-chan mumbled

"No problem. If that happens again, tell me" I spoke and pull Momo-chan into a hug

"Okay" Momo-chan smiled and hugged back

"Let's get to swim practise my little otter" I smiled and put Momo-chan into a head lock

"Ahh!! (N/N)-CHAN!!" Momo-chan giggled as I poked his sides

"Eeek!! S-Staph!!" Momo-chan laughed

"Never Muwhahaha" I laughed and poked Momo-chan's ribs even more

Momo-chan laughed hard and tears started rolling down his cheeks, I giggled a little and let Momo-chan go.

"Come on before we get in trouble" I giggled

"Alright" Momo-chan blushed

Geez he is such cutie I thought

I slowed to a stop just outside the pool area, Momo-chan giggled and dragged me inside.

"I see you're dragging you're girlfriend around again" Sei-chan teased

"(N/N)-chan isn't my girlfriend, Onii-chan!!" Momo-chan screeched

"Line up" Sei-chan sighed

"Alright you losers and one cute girl, this is where us third years are leaving. Matsouka!!" Sei-chan spoke

"Hai?" Run stepped forward

"You are the new captain" Sei-chan spoke

"(N/N)-chan!" Sei-chan called

"HAI" I shouted and stepped forward

"Be good to the team and make sure you train them hard!! Also keep a good eye on Momotoru" Sei-chan smiled

"I will" I nodded

Everyone cheered for Rin and were jumping all over him, I sighed and walked up to Sei-chan.

"There was one last thing you were going to tell me?" I asked

"Ah! Yes. Make sure Momotoru wears protection" Sei-chan smiled

"ONII-CHAN!!" Momo-chan screeched

"Alright, Sei-chan" I laughed

"Well see ya!!" Sei-chan smiled

I blew my whistle

"Just cause Rin's you're captain does not mean I'm not in charge and uncap able of whooping you're arse" I spoke

"Alright everyone, we are doing a normal practise today" Rin spoke


"(N/N)-chan wait up!!" Momo-chan called

"What's up?" I asked

"We need to talk" Momo-chan blushed bright red

"Hmm?" I hummed

"I-I l-l-l-love YOU AND WILL YOU BE MY GIRLFRINED!?" Momo-chan buried his face in his hands

"Of course" I smiled

"What really?" Momo-chan smiled

I pressed my lips onto Momo-chan's and he kissed back, I pulled away and smiled.

"Movie night?" I asked

"Yay!!" Momo-chan squealed

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