Chapter 3 : I Hate Him

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Aayush's POV

"No Papa! Please don't leave me here! Please!"

I woke up gasping for air and my head felt dizzy. I had the same nightmare yesterday night, again! My legs were wobbly and I felt weak from inside.

Somehow I reached the bathroom and splashed cold water on my face. I stared at my reflection in the mirror with an obscure vision. It has happened to me occasionally.

I got ready and reached the dining hall, Maa had already laid out the breakfast table. She smiled at me, "Good morning handsome." and kissed me on my forehead.

"Good morning Maa. Wow paranthas, you sure are trying to get me fat ha!"

"Not fat, healthy is the word! This is a new recipe I found yesterday. And little ghee won't do any harm."

I smiled. I live for her care and love. Our little joyful mornings are precious to me.

Half way through breakfast Maa said, "Listen, Aayush, your uncle Bhavesh called yesterday." She fell silent and looked at me.

My expressions changed instantly, "Why?" I looked at her. "What do they need now?"

"Beta he meant no trouble."

"That family means nothing to me!" I said in a voice louder than I thought. "Have you forgotten the past Maa? I cannot erase what that family did to you and me. And that ..." My voice cracked and I couldn't speak further.

"But beta..."

"I told you not to receive their calls. Just don't respond to them Maa." I realized our joyful morning had suddenly turned bitter.

We lost our happiness momentarily, just because we took their names. I hate them. Don't spoil your mornings over worthless people Aayush. Calm yourself down.

I took a heavy breathe, went over to her seat, knelt down and hugged her. "I am sorry Maa. I am sorry I lost my temper again."

"It's okay beta, I am sorry too for not listening to you. I didn't mean to hurt you."

I looked up at her and said, "Promise me Maa, you will not pick their calls. After that man left you, we don't have any relations with them. They don't like us, they never did."

She gave a nod. We hugged each other tightly.

Forgiving would have been easier, but forgetting, forgetting is the toughest part for me. I hate him!


I reached office at 9. As soon as I entered, four party poppers popped simultaneously one after other 'Bang Bang' followed by a synchronous "Congratulations". Confetti and streamers were falling down on me and the floor around me was covered with them.

I was taken aback for a moment.

I saw Mr. Desai, Chhaya, Keshav and the two new interns smiling ear to ear. They screamed 'Congratulations' again, since they thought I didn't hear it the first time.

"What is this for?" I asked.

"Congratulations on additional orders for two books sir." they said in sync and clapped.

"Sir it is true. I got the mail this morning. One is for the book I edited and another one is for the book Ms. Chhaya edited." Mr. Desai added excitingly pointing at Chhaya, who looked so energized with happiness that she could start dancing.

"That is amazing! Congratulations to all of you too and also to the marketing team. Thank you all for your hard work."

"Sir let us celebrate this!" Chhaya said looking at me with a hope to hear a yes.

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