Chapter 8 : The past is coming back to you 1

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Aastha and Anshu in flat: their POV

Aastha had just told Anshu about the hit and run case with every little detail she had.

Anshu stopped nibbling on the chips and gasped, "OMG! You went in there alone? Look at your guts! Your job is getting way too dangerous now Aastha! You just joined SBN for God's sake, what were you even thinking?"

"Fine I know I get it. Gosh, you sound like Editor Sir. Don't worry it won't happen again." Aastha had probably said this to every other person she spoke with since evening. Everyone made her feel she was wrong, but deep down everyone was proud of her and praising her for her courage.

"But this is not fair. I thought we would go together somewhere tomorrow and spend some time. After all, we both stay so busy the entire week."

"I can't help it. I have to go. It is to welcome the new recruits." Aastha consoled Anshu but it seemed pointless. "What should I wear?" She drilled through her clothes in the wardrobe like a mole.

"Anything, you will look silly whatever you wear!" Anshu laughed.

"Not funny. By the way, the Chairman of JCPL is the chief guest for the reception."

"Mr. Jagat Chauhan?" Anshu gasped.

"Hmm yes"

"He is a very arrogant person. You might end up meeting his grandson Akshat too. He is just the opposite of his grandfather and father."

"Did you call your boss by name? Akshat ha! You seem to know him well!" Aastha said intriguingly leaving her search for clothes for a while.

"Not just me, the whole JCPL staff knows this. Recently there was a case in the company and Akshat Sir went against his own grandfather and father to prove the innocence of an employee. Mr. Ganesan has been cleared of all the charges and he can continue working at JCPL."

"Sounds like a good person but he is a Chauhan after all. Let him get a little old, he will start behaving like his father and grandfather within few years. Be careful!" Aastha laughed at her own joke and immersed into the wardrobe again.

"You think so?"

"Don't fall for him ha!"

"What? Me? Have you gone insane after today's incident, stop saying nonsensical stuffs!"

"How will you look like as the daughter-in-law of the company you are working in?" she made poses like she was in deep thoughts.

"I think you really hit your head today Aastha!"

Aastha laughed even harder. Amidst her laughing, Anshu asked Aastha, "Hey did you speak to Aayush? We could have met him tomorrow and had a nice time together."

"He is not free either." Anshu replied still looking inside the wardrobe.

"What? Where is he going now? Is it work?" Anshu looked up from her phone.

"To his publisher's house, along with aunty. I guess they are going there for lunch or something. He messaged me a while ago. Even before you thought about meeting up, I was planning the same and had already asked him. But he had plans and now I do too."

"Great!" Anshu said while faking a smile.

"I guess he will be free by evening, you can meet him then."

"Whatever! I don't know! I am going to cook food." Anshu left the room annoyed.

"Next week Anshu, we will meet up then!" Aastha said loudly so that Anshu could hear who had already reached the kitchen.

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