Chapter 4

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Another chapter "Whop whop"

It took me a bit to write cuz some things came in the way but hey there it is...heh.


I woke up on the couch with heavy eyesockets and rub them. I take my notebook and pen out of my inventory and look inside. My non-visible pinpricks land on the words that today is the 10th year I live here in my universe without a living soul. Well almost alone. I let out a sigh and look around the room until I spot the black shadow.

Some may think I am crazy that I see a black shadow figure but it is normal. I don't even know if others can see him. I can still remember the day we got back together.


On a day three years later after everything that happened. I was taking a walk in the forest and saw a shadow standing in front of me. I could see the shape of Papyrus. He has still the same height. He is almost completely black but the signature scarf that he always wears is still red and where his eye lights should be are the same red color too.

Papyrus asked me with a still loud but whispery voice why I killed him, everyone, and who I am. I tried to tell him but in those 3 years I never talked to anyone so I couldn't say it with my voice the only thing that came out was some garbled noise and maybe some words. He looked at me weirdly, and I thought about how to explain it, and an idea struck me. I took my notebook and pen out and explained it like this. So I told him everything, about who I was, why I did everything and my theory about what happened to the real Sans maybe.

After I explained, he told me he needs some time to think and came back a few days later with an answer "EVEN IF YOU AREN'T MY REAL BROTHER I STILL SEE YOU AS ONE BUT! I WANT TO AT LEAST MAKE A SMALL FUNERAL FOR HIM". Those were the words he said and I did do the small funeral with Papyrus after we got everything ready.

The next day after the funeral for sans I used my notebook again to ask Papyrus something. "hey paps?". "YES BROTHER, WHAT IS IT?". "I thought about a new name because I am a new me. I am not Sans and neither am I my old self not that I remember my old name... so why not a new name for a new me?" I look up at him as I show him this. He looks back at me, and says " HMM IF YOU PREFER TO CHANGE IT, THEN WHAT NAME WOULD YOU SUGGEST?". I started writing again "What about Xiphos? It means something like a double-edged sword if I remember right and you know that I like to use those daggers". Papyrus thinks for a bit and says "ALRIGHT BROTHER FROM NOW ON YOU SHALL BE CALLED XIPHOS NYEHEHEHE"...

~~~End of Flashback~~~

"XIPHOS"! I get back from my memories and look at Papyrus tilting my head. "DON'T GIVE ME THAT QUESTIONABLE LOOK YOU SPACED OUT. YOU SHOULD START NOW YOUR MORNING ROUTINE DEAR BROTHER" He scolds and reminds me. I nod and give him a thumbs up. My routine is almost the same every day like eating, training looking if things are the same around and talking... well trying to talk.

For some reason, I lost my voice, and I only can say one to five words until my 'magical' throat hurts and I need a long break. For now, I use notebooks to write what I want to say and I am still learning to use sign language from Papyrus.

As I walk the road to waterfall I hear faint voices and stop walking. Huh? Why do I hear voices no one was here for 10 years and the only ones that should be here is me and my brother...

I stop spacing out when I hear behind me a loud voice. "HEY GUYS! LOOK THERE IS SOMEONE MAYBE THEY KNOW WHAT HAPPENED HERE SO LET'S GO AND ASK THEM MWEHEHEHE" The boisterous and loud voice says cheerfully. "Blue please go slower we don't know if the monster is peaceful. For some reason, I can't feel any emotion from them." The other one says with a bit worried but calm and soothing voice.

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