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Camila was extra nervous at work that day. In only a few hours, she would be meeting with Shawn and his stylist to talk about getting something for Camila to wear to the party.

Shawn assured her she shouldn't be nervous and that his friend was really nice, but Camila still felt weird about spending Shawn's money on herself.

Other than that, she was excited. She really did like getting dressed up, doing her hair and makeup for special occasions, it was just that she hadn't had a special occasion like this in a long time.

Camila finished all the work early so nothing could hold her back. She made sure everything was stocked in the guest lounge before leaving.

Her heart skipped a beat when she saw Shawn waiting for her in the parking lot. As usual, he was standing outside his car, leaning casually back against it.

He took his sunglasses off and hung them on the collar of the red sweatshirt he was wearing and when he smiled at her, she wondered if he could tell how much she was blushing.

"How was work?"

"Lame." She sighed. "But that's okay. What did you do all day?"

"Woke up late, ordered in some breakfast with extra pulp in my juice. Did some morning yoga, drank my coffee, and then practiced the song for a while." He sighed happily as they got in the car. "Then I ordered some lunch, took Tarzan to the park, and then I just watched some tv until I came to get you."

"Your life is so amazing." Camila groaned as Shawn laughed. She was thinking about how she woke up before the sun was even up and took a shower under shitty water pressure. "I hate you sometimes."

"Hey, it may sound great, but I was actually kinda bored. I get lonely all day."

"Cry me a river, rich boy."

He laughed again, and so did she, but as they drove towards the cafe, Camila couldn't help but think about what he'd said.

Did he really get bored and lonely? Without her? His day sounded so ideal in her mind, but was he really waiting for her the whole time? The thought of that made her want to grin like crazy. She glanced over at him in the driver's seat, but he just had his eyes ahead.

Shawn's stylist friend was waiting for them on the patio of the cafe. She was the only one alone, wearing a green sweater and sipping a giant cup of coffee. She was really cute, with short dirty blonde hair and freckles on her nose.

"Hello, Shawn." She smiled as they approached. "I see you've taken none of my advice about what to wear."

"What? What's wrong with this?" Shawn pulled at the sweatshirt he wore.

Camila had noticed how old and faded it was but she was starting to realize she liked that about him—the way he seemed to wear whatever he liked and didn't worry too much about what other people thought.

His friend didn't seem to find it as charming. She rolled her eyes and smirked at Camila.

"He just doesn't get it, does he?" She said. "Anyway, I'm Greta, and Shawn says I get to help you guys get ready for Ashe's party! I'm so excited, aren't you?"

"So excited." Camila tried to mean it as they sat down across from her. Shawn ordered a large iced coffee. "It's going to be our first time performing the song in front of anyone."

"Also the first time Shawn's showing you off in front of people. He's been so secretive about you—"

"I have not." Shawn glanced away, Camila seeing the flush spread down to his neck. "I just didn't wanna jinx the process. We really had no idea what we were doing for a while there."

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