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Camila woke up sometime in the early morning. Her head only hurt a little, and she was dying of thirst. She groaned, remembering the last time she'd been hungover, she at least didn't have a giant clean window streaming sunlight directly into her eyes.

She'd heard Shawn mumbling a lot in his sleep, sometimes nonsense, but sometimes full sentences. Camila would lift her head and stare at him, but she could tell he was never fully awake, even when he spoke right to her.

"Camila, we're gonna be late..."

"Late?" She blinked. "Late for what?"

"Apples..." He mumbled, closing his eyes and rolling over again.

She couldn't help but laugh at how cute and funny it was. Camila debated moving to the living room sofa, but she didn't want Shawn to wake up alone. Even if it was going to be awkward for him to see her laying with him, it would be even worse if he thought no one had stayed with him.

Camila went to the kitchen and started the coffee pot for Shawn. She debated making something to eat for them, but he didn't have much in the fridge. It was sad. It actually looked a lot like her fridge.

She drank some water before laying back down beside him, keeping several inches between them. Still, she could smell his scent and feel his warmth. It was so comforting. She fell back asleep until almost noon when Shawn started mumbling in his sleep again.


Camila opened her eyes and looked at him. She was fully awake, sitting up and just about to nudge him awake—it was about time he ate something or got some hydration—when he kept going.


Shawn had rolled over onto his stomach, but even with his voice slightly muffled by his face pressed against the pillow, she definitely just heard that.

Was he talking to her? Was he trying to get her attention, or was he just dreaming? She stared at him, her face flushing and her heart pounding.

"Baby...that feels so good..."

What the fuck? Okay, he was definitely dreaming. She didn't know what it was about—though she could guess, and she did not want this to escalate any further.

Camila reached out with her foot and firmly nudged him in the ribs, not hard enough to kick him off the bed, but hard enough to wake him up.

Shawn's eyes opened all the way and he pushed himself up onto his hands and knees, looking around in startled confusion. His face was flushed as he looked over, locking eyes with her. She knew he was probably a little more than confused.

"Um, good morning." She said, sticking to her tiny corner at the foot of the bed.

"Um—morning." He rolled over, sitting up slowly, one hand going to the side of his head. "What—what are you doing here?"

"I just stayed to make sure you didn't puke all over yourself or something." Camila said. "You, uh, got kinda drunk."

"Oh, right." He rubbed his head again, grabbing the water bottle she'd left at the side of his bed.

"Do you remember much?" She asked softly, wondering if whatever he'd been dreaming about was still in his mind.

"Mostly. I remember everything up until cake, and then it's kinda fuzzy." He chugged some of the water before giving her a weary smile. "I remember singing with you, and it was amazing."

"That was pretty amazing." Camila smiled, blushing when she remembered the way he smiled at her and what she felt for him.

"You didn't have to stay with me." He got out of bed and stretched, his shirt rising up where it'd come untucked from his trousers. Camila couldn't take her eyes off of his skin. "Connor usually just makes sure I'm asleep and leaves. I'm usually okay the day after."

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