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A/N: i was in the middle of writing this chapter when i got the news. at first i said i was leaving or going on hiatus, but i decided not to. i just love writing them way too much. thank you for still reading, if you are. 


Camila was not used to having nothing to do on weekdays. Shawn used to tell her about his day when she was at work—sleeping in, ordering a big breakfast, playing with Tarzan in the park, and spending the afternoon just working on music. She used to say it sounded like a dream, and now she finally got to experience it.

Her body was still on work time, waking her up early the morning after she quit her job. She opened her eyes, feeling Shawn's arms around her, his snoring soft on the back of her neck.

She tried to force herself to go back to sleep, but she just couldn't. Finally, she got up and went to the bathroom before starting the coffee and pulling on some clothes.

She took Tarzan back, watching him lick dew off the morning grass and smiling to herself. It was easier to enjoy warm mornings in LA when she wasn't dragging herself out of bed to go to work.

She took Tarzan back upstairs afterward and got back in bed with Shawn. He rolled over to her, pulling her close and mumbling against her ear.

"Where'd you go? You don't have to leave me anymore, remember?"

"I remember." She smiled, turning over to bury her face in his chest.

They slept for a while, this time Camila waking up in the early afternoon, alone in bed. She went into the kitchen and smiled when she saw Shawn pouring two mugs of coffee.

"I ordered us breakfast." He smiled.

"Whatever happened to learning how to cook?" Camila asked. "I got you that special muffin pan for a reason."

"I am learning, but I also feel like it's my duty to still order in. I tip a lot to that DoorDasher. He really depends on me. He'd probably be really bummed if I kicked the habit completely."

Camila had to admit that was a good point. They ate their pancakes when they arrived before going to the park.

She knew Shawn was getting himself ready for the interview they were going to film. He spent a lot of his time journaling, likely laying out all the feelings he wanted to talk about.

She was endlessly curious about what he was writing, but she knew that wasn't for her. He left his journal open when he went to the bathroom or kitchen and it touched her that he trusted her that much, knowing she'd never snoop.

Andrew telling them that their song with Ashe was almost ready for release seemed to give Shawn even more feelings. Camila didn't know if it was excitement or anxiety or what, but that night, he stayed up until midnight journaling and playing piano.

"I think we should do it Sunday night—the interview." Shawn said, crawling into bed beside her. "Are you free?"

"Of course I'm free." She smiled, lightly booping his nose. "But I'm not sure what I should even say. I don't want to ask the wrong thing or make you upset."

"You won't." He said. "Trust me, I have a lot I want to say. You just have to prompt me, okay? Trust yourself. You should have been running the show for those jerks years ago."

"Okay." She giggled. "I am excited. I can't wait to do this for you."

"Us. We're partners, remember?" He kissed her forehead.

Camila spent time on her phone Saturday, in her notes app writing draft after draft of what she wanted to ask him. She knew her questions would have to change based on his answers, it was supposed to be an organic conversation, but she still found herself rehearsing what she wrote in the mirror.

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