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Camila tried to wipe her face of any emotion as she approached Hailey.

"Um, the guys are almost ready for you upstairs." She was so surprised her voice didn't shake.

"About time." Hailey mumbled, slipping her phone into the back pocket of her skinny jeans.

She followed Camila back towards the elevators and thought Camila tried to seem calm on the outside, on the inside, she was twisting with many emotions.

She told herself not to get worked up. Just because she was Shawn's ex, didn't mean she was necessarily a bad person. Maybe she was just stupid, but it also didn't mean she had any ill-will towards him.

Maybe they were amicable, or maybe it wouldn't matter either way. She knew it was the longest shot ever, but she prayed Adam and Ryan wouldn't bring up Shawn.

Hailey didn't look at her in the elevator or hallway. Camila was used to being ignored around here, but guests and station workers, but part of her took it the slightest bit personal.

"Um, right through here." Camila opened the door of the guest lounge for her. "My name is Camila. Can I get you anything?"

"Green tea, iced." Hailey took her phone out again. "Please."

"Coming right up." Camila forced a smile.

Well, at least she said please, Camila thought to herself as she went back to the coffee bar. She grabbed a bottle of green tea and poured it in a cup over ice.

With anyone else, maybe Camila would brew it herself, and maybe she was taking the tiniest bit of revenge out on her by giving her bottled tea. There was a slightly satisfying moment when Hailey grimaced after taking a sip, but then she was back on her phone.

Camila stood silent in the doorway, observing her. She was so pretty, but so scary looking too. Maybe it was just the exaggerated wings on her eyeliner, or the way Camila kept trying and failing to separate her from what she did to Shawn.

Maybe she didn't mean to embarrass him. Maybe she really had been joking, or she'd said the wrong thing because she was nervous.

"Alright, I think they're ready for you now." Camila said.

Hailey put her phone away and took another drink of tea before standing up and fluffing her hair out. Camila saw a dramatic change in her as she put on a huge smile, walking past Camila into the studio.

The door opened, Ryan and Adam smiled and welcomed Hailey, neither of them looking at Camila. She didn't want to go relax until the show was over like she usually did.

She stayed right there in the hallway, her ear pressed against the studio door. She crouched down so they couldn't see her through the glass on the door.

"—We're here with Hailey, who stars in the new music video for the Beta Rays. What's it like working with Ray and the rest of the guys, Hailey?"

"Oh, it's so fun!" Hailey's giggle was so fake that Camila wanted to gag, but she also understood, because she never knew how anyone could act genuinely happy on this show. "Ray is so talented! He's not much of a dancer, so I had to help him with that one!"

Camila stayed crouched by the door, listening to the whole interview. She always cringed every time she had to listen in, and this was no exception.

Adam and Ryan made their bad jokes and kept suggesting Hailey give them dance lessons. It was so stupid, but at least it wasn't too bad.

Camila checked the time, relieved there were less than three minutes left in the show.

"So, back to Ray, is it safe to say you're not just collaborators anymore?" Ryan asked.

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