The aftermath

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I woke up to hear a very annoying beeping noise. I happened to turn around and notice that I was in a hospital with a monitor at my bedside. When I tried to lift up, it hurt like hell.

I groaned lowly and scanned the room to see that I was all alone.

Well, at least that's what I thought. That's until I heard someone clear their throat and knock lightly on the door to my room.

"Come in" I croaked, attempting to clear my throat after figuring I sounded quite horrible.

"Hey, you ok?" I heard.

I peered up and made eye contact with that chick Alisha from the rehab/addiction therapy facility.

"Just thirsty" I said.

I could have sworn I saw her smirk before she actually showed some sort of sympathy.

"Want me to get you some water?" She asked.
I nodded and moaned out thanks as I turned around in the bed.


"Simple bitch" I mumbled to myself, making my way out of the hospital room.

She deserved to get her ass beat if you ask me. 😏

Anyways, I got her some water and made my way back into the room.

Ciara was sleeping, grumbling some shit in her sleep.

"Chris" I heard.

Of course...

I went over to her and tapped her shoulder gently.

She would twist and turn and occasionally mumble or slur something but she didn't get up. After attempting for a second time, she woke up and locked eyes with the cup in my hand.

"You brought me some water?" She asked, hopefully.

"Uhh yeah" I assured her.

"OMF , thanks so much" she squealed dryly, prying the cup out of my hands.


I was in my official office, located at the very back of the building.... Sorting through some background files of my clients.

While searching through Alisha's files, I noticed something that caught my eye.

It was a copy of one of her most recent mugshots.

As I decided to get deeper in depth, my heart stopped and dropped out through my ass.

What I read was absolutely bizarre !

I found out that she was indeed the person who murdered.... My step dad.

I didn't know how to feel. It's pretty dumb to say that I'd feel bad about the fact that he's dead due to how he used to rape and abuse me as a little girl, but I just don't know.

The truth is.... He'd gotten me pregnant in my junior year.... And made me promise not to tell. I was completely disgusted with everything and in all honesty I just wanted to kill myself. But, I lost the baby because he continued to abuse me.

Hard to believe I'm a therapist and had to deal with such bullshit huh?

I took a couple of deep breaths and wiped the tears that had fallen before they worsened.

I continued looking into the files, as there was a knock on the door that almost made me die of a heart attack.

Who the fuck?

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