Chapter 6

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Iris's POV: *A month after The Hood situation*

I wake up next to John, who just kisses my head, a tad bit sore from last nights indevers.

All of the sudden, the bedroom door opens, i hold my screams in as John covers me. "Fucking hell! Learn to knock! What do you want Virgil?" John says with a death glare, aimed right at Virgil.

"Breakfast lovebirds." Virgil says before running off. Oh he's dead. John gets up and gets dressed, i follow suite. 

"Thank the Lord above Dad made it so i can stay down here with a goddess" John says, i smile and give him a peck on the cheek before i make him put a top on and then pull him to the breakfast, he pouts and groans

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"Thank the Lord above Dad made it so i can stay down here with a goddess" John says, i smile and give him a peck on the cheek before i make him put a top on and then pull him to the breakfast, he pouts and groans. 

We walk to the kitchen holding hands, both hearing Virgil talking. I let go of John's hand, before he can stop me, I walk to Virgil. Slamming my hand down on the table next to him, scaring him a tad. GOOD!

"Ok Paint-head the next time you want to wake us up, knock on the door. Also talk about it all you want, i just won't help you when your injured." I say, Everyone except Virgil laughs, Virgil just pales.

"No fair" Virgil says, i smile grab a plate of food and i sit down.

"wait till you get a girl, hey hold up and rewind, who is Courtney?" I ask and Virgil pales and starts stuttering, everyone smiles and i see Gordon giving Jeff some money, before he glares at me, Jeff smiles and mouths a thank you. Scott and John just laughs at Virgil.

"How did you- She's a girl i met and er" Virgil says before he stutters more.

"Oh Virgil Grissom Tracy, you need to close your door when you say 'love you Courtney, can't wait to see you'" I say and he pales more when i use his full name. He glares and i smile innocently before talking to John about the wedding.

"beach, small. Lillys and roses. Close family only, no news teams" John says and i add pics to a collage on my drawing tablet while i eat. "a quick ceremony because you know" I lightly smack his shoulder.

"Skye quick fire question, All of our full names starting with Dad ending with Alan" Gordon says and i smile. 

"Jefferson Adam Tracy, Scott Carpenter Tracy, John Glenn Tracy, Virgil Grissom Tracy, Gordon Cooper Tracy and Alan Shepard Tracy. You also have a grandma called Sally Marie Tracy" I say with a smirk before i get up and take my empty plate to the sink and wash it.

I walk back and grab my drawing tablet and walk to the pool, opening a new art piece and drawing.


John's POV: 

I can tell that the Adam situation is getting to her, but also what happened with The Hood. I walk over to her.

"Hey babe" Iris says as i sit next to her.

"how did i become the luckiest man in the world" I say and she smiles before cuddling up to me.

"well you met me, fell head over heels at 18, took god knows how long to ask me out and i said yes and to top it off, you ask me to be yours till the end and i say" She says before she moves, placing her drawing pad down and kisses my nose "yes" I smile and kiss her head as she closes her eyes.

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