Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

                The rest of the week passed quick and painless and before I knew it, the weekend was over and Monday was here. Nothing very interesting happened over the weekend except for Sky spending the night again and me babysitting Caleb again.

                I was just getting out of the shower when I heard my stereo come on, Celeste Buckingham blasting through my walls, indicating that Sky had made her appearance. When I came out of my bathroom, she was nowhere in sight. "Sky?" I called out, looking around the room for her. Giving up I walked into my closet to pick out my outfit when I saw Sky already there, rooting through my clothes.

                "Hi." I said, startling her. "Oh hi, go sit on your bed; I will be out in a second." Giving her a weird look, I walked out and sat on my bed, waiting patiently for her to come out. When she came out, she was holding a bunch of clothes in her arms. Hurriedly I went and grabbed a few from her and set them on my bed. For the next half hour, Sky and I were rooting through clothes until we found the perfect outfit for me.  Normally we wouldn't spend this much time on finding an outfit but Sky was set on looking as best as we could for whomever this new guy was. Since I didn't want to argue with her, I just went along with it.

                When we were finished getting ready, we both stood in front of the mirror, assessing our look for the day. This is what we normally do every day before school. Sky comes over and brings clothes of her own so we can pick our outfits together, then we decide and get ready together and when we are finished, we stand in front of my mirrors and look at what we are wearing, making sure everything is perfect.

                Together we had the perfect outfits. Sky had on her white skinny jeans and a blue top that flowed out and was held tight to her body by a sleek black belt in the middle of the shirt. Her hair was pin straight and on her wrist were a bunch of black bangles. Her bag for today was a blue purse that matched the color of her shirt. On her feet were white high heels and in her ears, were black and blue dangly earrings.

                I was wearing my favorite pair of jeans that had holes in the knees from me crawling on the floor with Caleb so much. My top was a spaghetti strap that was teal in color and had small white poka-dots all over the place. To match my top, I had a regular teal purse and teal rose earrings. The rest of my jewelry consisted of a long silver heart necklace and two silver bracelets. My shoes were my favorite black boots and as for a coat, I had my long black jacket that tied at the waist. My long brown hair was curled and down.

                When we were done, we went upstairs and into the kitchen. I started making French toast for breakfast while Sky woke and dressed Caleb.  By the time they were down, breakfast was done and I served everyone up a plate. Sky, Caleb and I talked about what he was going to do at school today and about his sleepover last Friday.

                Just as we were finishing up, Brandon, Mona, and some of their friends entered the kitchen. Just like always, Brandon and Mona, as well as most of their friends, ignored us, only saying something when they realized there was no breakfast for them. Sensing that they were about to complain and yell at me, I grabbed everyone's plate, rinsed them off and put them in our dishwasher before herding them out to my SUV. Caleb always told me that it reminded him of a dinosaur because it was so big so we started calling my car Dino whenever he was around.  After getting him buckled in, we were off.

                Dropping Caleb off and getting to school only took 20 minutes so by the time we got there; there was still 35 minutes before school started. Instead of just chilling in our first hour, Sky and I walked around to meet up with our friend Keik Baker and her boyfriend Milo Wordesont. After 10 minutes of searching for them, we still couldn't find them so we went back to our lockers that happened to be right next to each other. I really hate where our lockers are because the school is situated on a hill and, you guessed it, they are all the way at the end of the hallway which just so happens to be the top of the hill.

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