Chapter 4

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 Chapter 4

                It wasn't even 5 minutes before Sky shot me a note. Laughing to myself, I slowly opened it, making sure no one could hear me. When I finally got it open, I saw why it took Sky five minutes to write. It practically had his entire life story on it.

Sky: Ok, his name is Xavier Mikov (Totally hot name btw) He is 18. Today is his first day (obviously) and he is an exchange student from a place I cannot pronounce. He is here because his mom wants him to have a good education and they heard that this is the best school in the country, and he is staying with the Nicolson's. He doesn't have a father L or any siblings but he and his mom are like, totally close! His favorite color is blue and, by the way he was looking at you when Justin had his arms wrapped around you in the hall, he is SO totally into you. He looked so jealous. And when you wrapped your arms around Justin and whispered in his ear, I thought Xavier was going to kill someone. I think getting him into our group of friends will be easier than we thought!!!!!! :D

                Blushing at her later comment, I quickly started scribbling down a reply. Since we were in pre-calculus and Mrs. Cunningham loves us, we didn't really have to hide the fact that we were passing notes but it was sort of a habit for us.

              Anna: How in the world did you find out all of this stuff in the .03 seconds I was away from you this morning? Seriously, how do you do it? And I highly doubt that he looked jealous. Are you sure you aren't seeing things? I don't even know the guy. Maybe he could just sense that Justin is a douche, did you ever think of that? I mean, it's not like he's hiding it or anything. What are you doing after school? Want to come over for a little bit? Linda gave everyone the day off today so I am on total cleaning duty but I can put it off while you are over J unless you want to help me? :D......

                Tossing Sky the paper, I started to tune into the lesson, only to find out that I already knew how to do this stuff. At the beginning of the year, as soon as Sky and I get our books, we have a major sleep over and then read through the entire books. To say we are losers, is an understatement. It's not that we like to read the books, we just like to get ahead in our classes so we don't have to pay attention during school that much. Since I was still lost in thought, I was startled when the white note was tossed into my vision again.

                Sky: I have my connections :P All you need to know is that I am amazing. That is the answer to all! And you may not know him but he doesn't need to know you to be jealous. You're hot. That is excuse enough! :D And Justin is a douche. Did you hear what happened with him and Kendra? And as much as I would totally love to help you with your cleaning duties... Mom is inviting the Brown family to come over tonight for 'family dinner' which will consist of Katherine and I chilling in my room while the 'grown ups' talk downstairs. I think the only good that will come out of this is that Kat and I can think of some awesome pranks on her little brother for when he gets back from his all boys boarding school. Sorry though! <3

                Anna: Haha sure!! You are totally awesome... not :P And you are right! I am hot! Hotter than the sun. Better wear sunglasses 'cause you might just go blind from my hotness. :P And true that! He keeps bugging me more and more every time he comes over. Kendra? As in slutty Kendra or virgin Kendra? KAT'S COMING OVER? Dude!! I am totally jealous! Tell her I say hi! I might even skip my cleaning duties as you put it, and come hang with you guys! We will see :P

                Sky: Meany! :P Haha and virgin Kendra, though she's not such a virgin any more. She gave it up to Justin at the party last Friday. Apparently, she took him to hers and after they were... done, fell asleep and that's how her parents found them the next morning. Her dad even chased Justin out of the house with his rifle! But on the negative side, her parents pulled her out of school and are sending her to an all girl's boarding school in Arkansas or something. And be jealous! I have an awesome cousin! :D You should totally come over though! We would love to scheme with you. Maybe I can help you clean during free period and then we can just hang at mine for the rest of the night.

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