Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

                The First thought that came to my head was, 'It's hot, so hot.' When I opened my eyes, I saw why. Fire. It was all around me. Not a thing left unscathed by its fiery blaze. 'Get out!' my brain screamed at me. 'Find an escape.' I stood up and immediately the world around me started to spin. I could barely see anything because of all of the smoke, but what I could see, was that I was in a huge room with lots of tables. It had a super high ceiling and polished wooden floors that were now covered in flames and ashes of what was and is no more. The tables around me were on fire as well as the chairs and everything around them.  It looked as though I was in the middle of the room. The fire was everywhere. I couldn't find an exit. My breath started to falter. 'I can't breathe, why can't I breathe?' "Help me. Help me! Mama! Papa! I'm over here. Someone PLEASE! HELP ME!" I screamed till there was no air left to breathe. Why wasn't anyone coming to get me? Why would they abandon me like that? I began to panic as all of my air left my lungs and began to fill with smoke. I was choking.  So many questions were pounding through my mind. All of a sudden, I heard my name. 'Finally!' I thought, 'Someone is coming to get me. I took a deep breath, filling my lungs with more smoke and little air, and started to scream again. "HELP ME! HELP ME! PLEASE SOMEBODY! HELP!"

                "Annalise! Annalise! Wake up!"  I jerked awake, nearly striking my savior. I was breathing heavily as I cautiously took a look around me, searching for my death. When I realized I wasn't ever in danger, I started to calm down. I began chanting the same thing in my mind as reality slowly came back to me. 'It was just a dream. It was just a dream. 'My best friend Sky was looking down at me, gripping my shoulders with a concerned expression.

                "Sweetie are you ok? You are really freaking me out. This is the third time this week I have come into your room to find you screaming at the top of your lungs for someone to help you. This isn't normal Annalise. What were you dreaming about?" Since I didn't want to keep secrets from her, I took a few deep breaths and told her about my dream.

She was right, I have dreamed of it before. My old shrink thought it was my greatest fear. Some yabber gabber about how I am scared of there being nobody to rescue me or something like that. I don't know.What Sky didn't know, was that it hasn't only happened three times. It happens almost every night. I normally wake up before she comes to pick me up. "That's freaky. Maybe you just have a fear of fire or something. We will deal with that later; we have bigger problems to deal with now."

                "What are you talking about?" I asked her. Skylar Greyson is possibly the biggest gossip in the entire world. Normally, when people hear about this, they ask how I can trust her with my secrets.  The thing is, Sky only gossips to me. I can trust her with anything and everything.  "Well, I heard from Mandy who heard from Kevin who heard from Jason who heard from Kelsey who heard from Rex who heard from Mrs. Augustine, because you know she is like, the biggest gossip ever, who heard from Miley that there is a new guy coming in two weeks and you know what that means." It took me a minute to catch all of that. Sky is also the fastest talker. When it finally processed, I looked up to her waiting eyes. "What? What does it mean?" She looked at me like I was stupid. "God you can be so slow! It means that we totally have to get to him first before Miley and Mona get their grubby little hands on him and then he gets sucked into all things popular and preppy. We can't let that happen again! Remember what happened last time?" I grimaced. We don't get a lot of new students at our school, so when we do, everyone swarms them. We have an unspoken rule in our school that until the student has officially claimed his or her group of friends, he or she is available to anyone and everyone who wants to have them join there group. Last time, it was a shy girl by the name of Casey Hickson. Sky and I took her under our wing but stupid Miley and Mona took her out from under us and now she's one of the biggest bitches in our entire school.

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