Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

                There was no one home when we got to Sky's house. I have always loved coming here because, unlike my own house, it was smaller and a lot more homey. The driveway began at an iron gate and curled up the hill to the front doors. Sky's family also owned the acres around the house, mostly forest and well-kept gardens. The house itself was made up of tan rocks. Black shutters and brown doors stick out among the light colors making this house amazingly beautiful. When we walked inside, we were met with a beautiful entrance room. Off to the side was a staircase leading to the second floor. From the ceiling, hangs an elegant chandelier. We walked up the steps to Sky's room at the end of the hall.

                Sky's room reflects her personality perfectly. The walls, celling, and carpet are white except for the wall near her bathroom that has blue wallpaper. In the middle of the room is a giant round bed with colorful pillows laid across it. Next to her bed is a round purple and blue side table with a lamp. On the blue wall is a white and purple table with another lamp with black and white sequins on the shade. Next to it are some pictures and a few colorful boxes. On the wall is a giant white mirror.  Across from her bed is a white and purple desk with another lamp just like the other two and some white roses. On the wall are six paintings of flowers. Next to the blue wall is her closet with two dressers and her clothes. Dark hardwood floors cover that room. The other side of the room mirrors the closet side. Instead of a table and mirror on the blue wall however, there is a fireplace. Then, in the room next to that, there is the bathroom. Just like the other room, the floors are hard wood. In her bathroom, there is an old fashioned tub. Across the room is her huge shower. On the wall, there is a mirror, framed by white drawers and a sink. In both the bathroom and her closet, she has two mannequins with a white see through bathrobe on it with blue fuzzes at the end. Down the hall from her closet, there is a balcony where we spend most of our days in the summer.

                I walked into her room and threw myself on her bed. Sky came and sat next to me and we started to do our homework. After about an hour or so, we were both working on our English essays when we heard the front door open.  After a few minutes, Sky's door opened and, sure enough, in walks Mrs. Grayson.

"Hello ladies! How was your day?" Mrs. Grayson said with a smile on her face. "Hey mom! It was pretty good except for Mileys crap. How was your day?" I ask. Ever since I met them they have always insisted that I call them mom and dad. My parents don't let me call the such names for god knows why and when Mrs. and Mr. Grayson heard about this, they refused to answer to me unless I call them mom and dad. Mrs. Grayson sighs and sits down on the bed. "Same old, same old. I had a patent come it with nine nails in his head. He claimed he slipped and fell and the nail gun went off. I swear people these days just get stupider and stupider." Sky and I started laughing. Mom is a doctor at the hospital and always has funny stories to tell us about the stupid people she treats. "So Annalise, are you staying for dinner?" I shake my head and look at the time. "Nope, in fact I should probably head out." I start to gather my stuff and then turn to Sky. "I'll text you after dinner so you know when to come over. Bye guys!" I give mom a kiss on the cheek and hug sky and then race out the door and into my SUV. With one last honk, I pull out of the driveway and into mine. 

                When I got to the gate I rolled down my window. My parents are paranoid so they hired a gate keeper to watch over the guests. "Hey Randy!" I shouted, trying to get his attention. He looked up from his mini TV and pushed a button that opened the gates. I smiled and waved to him as I pulled up my long driveway that was shaded with trees.  After a couple of minutes, I pulled up to the entrance of the house. The driveway wrapped around an elegant fountain surrounded by shrubs. The Grecian pillars gave the house an elegant yet imposing entrance. The house was white with black accents everywhere, from the two balcony's on the second floor, to the black double doors in the center of the pillars.

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