Chapter 5

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Literally nothing. This is immaculate.

You and Peter lay on your bed reading quietly.

I should converse with Loki if I wanna befriend him. But in reality I can't tolerate his damn cockiness and his attitude for a few  minutes. I gotta talk to Thor and inquire about Loki's interests so that I can bear his god forsaken arrogance.

"Hey pete. I'm gonna go meet Mr.Thor to find out about some of Mr.Loki's interests. Something makes me feel that his attitude is gonna be real difficult to tolerate. You coming?" You inquired.

Peter nodded and you guys hurried to Thor's room.

"Mr. Thor. May we come in?" You knocked on the door once you arrived.

"Of course lady y/n," he replied.

Thor opened the door for you to enter inside. "Spider-child, y/n. What's brings you to my humble aboard?" He inquired.

You chuckled softly at Thor's greeting.

Humble is the last thing I would call this room. But this room could be rather mundane and tiny in comparison to his room in asgard. He is the son of a king after all.

"Mr.Thor," you addressed him, "I assume that you are familiar with my mission," you inquired for which he replied with a slight nod. "I wanna know about a few of Mr.Loki's interests to start a conversation with him. Would you happen to know something about his interests?" You continued.

What sort of a question is that? Of course he does. Loki is his younger brother. How can he be unaware of his brother's interests?

"He is a really complicated person. He prefers reading. He used to spend hours in his room reading when we were kids," he replied.

At least we have that in common. I'm gonna take some books from the library for him. Surely, it will assist me in my mission or just in enduring his smugness.

"He loves to do magic. Mother used to teach him magic when we were little kids. He is an excellent sorcerer," He paused, "He likes to prank people. Like would be an understatement for his love for pranks. The severity of his pranks depend on his mood" he continued.

That doesn't sound really bad but what does Mr.Thor mean by the severity of his pranks?

"Mr.Thor," you interjected, "what exactly do you mean by 'the severity of his pranks'?" You quoted.

"It means the direness of his pranks. Don't get worried about that though. His most dire pranks are stabbing and I'm the only person who has been subjected to that," he replied, "That's all I know about his interests," he added.

"Thanks Mr. Thor. You have been really assistive," you gushed.

"My pleasure spider-child and Lady y/n," Thor smiled.

You exited the room and glided to the library in search of some books that you guessed Loki would prefer. You chose some of William Shakespeare's books which you were fond of, Harry Potter books and some fantasy books because Loki obviously liked magic.

You stacked the books on top of each other and carefully walked to Loki's room. Peter knocked this time but there was no response.

"May we come in?" you inquired.

"Of course. You can enter," he said with a groan.

The door opened and you entered the room.

"What do you want?" He snapped at you both.

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