Chapter 6

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A little lengthy and maybe some typos.

'Was I absent for that long that you had time to be reincarnated or did you just suffer a heavy blow to your head or something?'

'Neither of those happened. I just contemplated about your point and I must concede that your point does have some validity.'

'Wait. What? Did you just accept that my point has some validity?'

'I believe you heard me quite well the first time. I see no reason to repeat myself.'

'Thanks. I didn't think you were capable of politeness.'

'Is this what you call quid pro quo? I was just polite to you but you are being impudent as usual.'

'I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I was just a little astounded to witness you being polite. That's all. Thanks anyways. Now would you please exit my head?'

You felt a slight difference in your head and it disappeared. You didn't feel giddy or painful as before.

Wow. What just happened? That was really eerie and out if character for Loki. I think he's not as evil as he seems or maybe pretending to gain favour and escape.

For the first time since he arrived at the stark tower, your gaze properly rested upon him. He looked peaceful while reading the book. If you were unaware of the plight that had occurred in New York, you wouldn't even have believed that he was a killer seeing him reading a book so innocently and peacefully like this.

He had a regal and elite look upon him, with his emerald green eyes and raven black hair reaching upto his nape. He seemed uncanny and heavenly amidst the mundane humans on earth. He appeared to be vigorous than humans.

"Mr. Loki," you addressed him, unsure of how to address him.

His emerald green eyes left the book and directed towards you. "Yes?" He replied.

"I-I was just wondering whether you-you," you stammered slightly earning a soft chuckle from him. "Would you mind having a conversation? I mean like answer a few questions about yourself and asgard," you asked more coherently than before, "only if you are comfortable with it of course no pressure," you added promptly.

His gaze riveted towards you. "Why not? Although I am curious as to why you didn't ask Thor about asgard. I believe that he is your ally. Is he not? " Loki replied raising an inquiring eyebrow.

You stared at him astounded.

Did he just agree to have a conversation with us? I must be loosing my mind.

"He is but when we try to ask him, he just alters the conversation to himself. About his victorious deeds. We were intrigued by his tales in the beginning but he kept reiterating the same old tale and it became monotonous listening to the same old story. So we stopped asking him," you muttered and Peter nodded in agreement.

"That I do not find difficult to believe at all," Loki concurred.

No arguments there. Although I do wonder whether the arrogance and condescension is hereditary.

You noticed a smirk forming at the corner of his mouth.

"Are you waiting for my permission or something?" Loki teased rolling his eyes.

"Frankly, yes. I wouldn't wanna infuriate the god of mischief. It would be imprudent to do so don't you think?" you quipped.

"Well then you have my permission. Ask away mortal," Loki smirked.

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