Chapter 7

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"Yes of course. You can ask but I have to warn you that I might not answer all the questions you ask," he permitted.

I don't expect you to either.

"That's fine. We understand that no one would feel comfortable divulging every little detail to strangers," you spoke and Peter nodded.

"What are your powers anyway? Mr.Thor mentioned that you are a talented sorcerer," you inquired.

"Did he? Well that's queer. Did he knock his head on a wall or something?" He mused.

"What?" You questioned, unable to hear his reply clearly.

"It's nothing. Forget it," he advised, "what was your question again?" He asked.

"What are your powers?" You reiterated your question.

"I am an expert at illusions and magic. I can create illusions that are tangible and absolutely like a living human body. I can conjure daggers out of nowhere. I recuperate quicker than most asgardians as a result of my seidr. I am able to heal wounds and reduce pain using my magic. I can shape shift into anyone," he replied.

Wow. His powers are really amazing than Mr. Thor's powers.

"Are you worthy of Mjolnir?" Peter questioned.

"What are your thoughts on that spider-ling?" He smirked.

"I think that you are not," Peter responded with uncertainty.

"Well there you go. I thought that it was quite obvious and facile to figure out," he said.

"What genre of books do you like?" You inquired.

"I read all genres of books. But my personal favourite is poetry and I don't mind books on sorcery as well," he answered.

You mentally noted down to bring him some poetry books authored by Shakespeare tomorrow.

"There's a library available here at Stark tower. You could enter there at any time of day and borrow any book you prefer. You could ask Jarvis for directions of course," you informed him.

"I would much rather remain in my room than be in the company of THOSE people," he replied highlighting the word those.

You felt anger pulsating your veins gradually as a result of his remark.

Then would you prefer the company of a ghost? They are invisible to the eye probably. So I think you might get along quite well with ghosts.

"Most of the avengers avoid the library. It's isolated most of the time. The others seldom visit the library because they are quite busy with their missions," you informed.

"I will consider your offer," he answered.

"What are your hobbies?" Peter inquired.

"I prefer reading like Thor mentioned. I love playing pranks on people and of course causing mischief," his eyes began to gleam brightly with mischief as he responded.

Obviously. I would have been surprised if you didn't like creating trouble and chaos.

"What sort of things do you like?" Peter inquired.

"I like breaking the rules, sneaky little cats, dramatic entrances, my daggers, teasing people, riling people up and pranks," he stopped, smirking.

Your preferences match your godly title quite well. God of mischief. You are indeed mischievous. But I wonder whether there's something you're concealing about yourself.

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