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*Warning strong language*


I had finally got Emma to believe me. Thank fuck for that. Me and Emma had started searching for my letter off my mother and to our luck we had found it.

I was so glad to have found it. We would have been in so much trouble and not to mention danger if someone had read it!

Me and Emma hugged each other tightly out of relief I believe.

I couldn't help but think into the hug too much. Maybe there was a connection between Me and Emma that we both had just never see before. But since the start of this year I had started to enjoy speaking with Emma. Even though I hated her.

What am I saying? I think I am just in over my head because of the amount of stress I was dealing with because of the missing letter that could have cost us our lives.

Me and Emma could never get on. We are just dealing with it because we don't have much choice. After all this is over I am sure Me and Emma will be back to completely hating each other.

𝙰 𝚏𝚎𝚠 𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚔𝚜 𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚛

Me and Emma had been spending a lot of time together. She had been helping me fix the vanishing cabinet . Yet when it came to being around everyone else we had to act like our normal selves. Emma still hadn't managed to get Blaise and the others to hear her out. That was partly my fault but she didn't need them anyways.

I had started to notice that Emma had been hanging out with the Weasley twins and this Ravenclaw girl that was sat by her in potions.

Why the fuck is she hanging out with the Weasley twins. I mean there Weasley's? Am I missing something?

The worst part about it was she actually seemed happy.

I was seeing her later on today so I thought I would ask her about the twins and why she is hanging out with them.

It is probably a keep your friends close but your enemies closer kind of situation.

As soon as it was the evening I headed on up to the Library.

There she was, sat in the darkest most deserted part of the Library. Quietly reading a book and nothing but her gentle breathing could be heard.

I walk over and take a seat in the chair opposite.

I stare at her admiring every bit of her.

"So?" I say not able to contain myself.

She looks up from her book with a confused expression.

"So?" She asks confused.

"What's the catch?" I say.

She begins to look even more confused.

"The catch?" She repeats.

I laugh.

"Don't play dumb.. I know your playing some wicked game on the twins" I respond.

She looks almost like I had offended her.

"Just because I am a Slytherin Malfoy does not mean that I am acting like a prat and only hanging out with the twins for some foul joke" She responds with anger in her tone.

I laugh. She has got to be messing with me.

"Yeah of course" I say winking towards her.

She immediately gets up and slaps me across the face.

"What the hell was that for?!" I shout.

Anger is now rushing through my body.

"I told you I wasn't hanging out with the twins for a cruel prank.." She says.

"Honestly Malfoy, Is that all you think about? The twins are good people and I don't find it funny that you'd assume that I am trying to use them.. I'm not like you and your fucked up minions.." She shouts.

I scoff.

"Riddle, You are the most fucked up people of them all.. I mean just look at your father! Your going to turn out just like him and you know it but you keep this good girl act up like you will never turn out like him"

I get up from my seat and begin to walk around in anger.

"Admit it Riddle, You know deep down your exactly like him.. Remember that night in the Astronomy tower or how about when you had Pansy Parkinson gripped up against the wall by her throat?".

"If I hadn't have pulled you off that day you would have killed her and you know it! Your sick Riddle! Really sick".

I grab my things and say.

"Like father like daughter eh?" I smirk and walk out.

I hope that bitch cries herself to sleep tonight. She knows I was right about all of it. Calling me fucked up when she is the crazy and fucked up one here.

The truth hurts but she will just have to suck it up and deal with it.

I don't know why I thought me and her could ever get along. Every time we argue it is just a reminder how different we are.

She is just so stuck up.

She makes everything about her. I need to break her. But how?

There must be a way. I'm not sure what it is yet but I will find a way to break Emma Riddle.

I go up into the Slytherin common room to see everyone sat down murmuring.

I wonder what they are talking about.

I take a seat next to Blaise.

"What's happening?" As I gesture to the quiet chats around us.

Blaise answers quickly.

"You know Emma.. Well we saw that slut making out with Fred Weasley in the corridor" He says.

I clutch my hand into a fist.


"That fucking pathetic slut.. She's so desperate that she went for a Weasley" I laugh.

"How tragic" I add on.

I can't believe her. I mean she shouldn't be aloud to do this. Because he is a Gryffindor and she is a Slytherin. I mean that's just wrong right?

I mean I have fucked people from other houses but that is just a fuck. I never had feelings for them or hung out with them.

It's honestly disgusting.

Was she that fucking desperate that she had to go for someone in a completely different house?

"Hey Dray" I hear Pug face say.

"What the fuck do you want?" I snap.

She sits on my lap but I push her off instantly so she falls onto the floor.

Everyone laughs but she chooses to ignore them.

"I just want to help Draco.. You looked stressed maybe I can help you relax?" She says smirking.

I knew exactly what she meant.

I thought about it for a while and then decided to fuck it and agree.

I could do with something like that to relieve my stress.

I couldn't bare to think about Riddle and Weasley any longer.

I grab Pansy by her hair and lead that pathetic whore into my room.

"Let's just get this over and done with.. I'm not in the mood" I snap.

She looks up at me but doesn't say anything more and just simply nods her head.


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