Chapter 2

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5 years later...

We are currently in a town in Patch. People walking around shopping, kids playing, people talking among themselves. They hear a noise. The village turns to see Grimm invading the town; many quickly grab their kids and make a run for it. As the Grimm roared, there was another sound. One of vroom sounds? It gets closer; the breast turns to see where the noise is coming from. They turn to see one of the beawolves get sent flying across the village; they look at the culprit and See a blonde-haired girl on a motorcycle. The person was Yang Xiao Long. They are wearing some shade. She does not have a happy look on her face.

She got off her bike and made her way to the center of the village. Where all the Grimm slowly followed her and watched her movement. The villagers are hiding but are looking at this woman. She comes to a stop and rears her fist back with a click showing off her weapon, a pair of Dual Ranged Shot Gauntlets, Ember Celica. One of the Grimm makes the foolish mistake of trying to attack from behind. Yang duck and quickly duck and punch the beawolve in the stomach firing off her weapon while launching the Grimm away, having it turn into dust. The other Grimm's charge in, Yang began to dodge the attack left and right. Firing off shotgun blast left and right, she uppercut one, right hook another one, and planted one of the Grimm into the paved road. While killing these Grimm's, some were able to get in pot shots damaging her aura. After wiping out a few of the Beawolves, she looks to the sky and sees some flying Grimm.

She reloads her Gauntlets with shotgun shells and begins snipping them out the air with some pretty good accuracy. After wiping out most of the flying Grimm, she heard a stomp that made the ground shake a bit. Yang looked and saw a Beringel. Both of them stood each other down. Both planted their feet and launched off the ground. With a battle cry from both of them, Yang got the first hit which caused the Grimm to get sent flying back some; it skidded a bit before charging back in before backfiring herself back and started to combo the Grimm. It grabs Yang, picks her up, and slams her into the ground twice before throwing her into one of the houses. It slowly made its way over to Yang, who came out of the house, dust herself off, and punched her fist together, causing her lilac eyes to go from lilac to red. She then beat the living the shit out of the Grimm, and she gave it no chance to breathe. Once she was out shotgun blasting in one gauntlet, she would swing one arm to stun the breast and reload the other one before continuing her beatdown on the thing. It slowly dissolves after one good duel punch to the Beringel chest blowing a whole hole in it.

Yang let out a breath and began to hear cheering. She looked around and saw the village cheering for her. She smiles at them and waves at them. Many of the villagers come to her and thank her, and shake her hand. She tells them it's no problem. Yang then sees one of the little girls pointing to her by her sister with excitement, which causes her to get sad. Yang makes her way to her bike but not before giving one last wave to the villagers and driving off. While she is driving, she pulls a picture out of her back pocket and puts it in the window shields. It is a picture with her and her Team back at Beacon smiling. She cracks at this, but her eyes soon fall on a specific red hair tips girl. The girl in question was her little sister Ruby. Her smile turned into a frown but not for long since she reached her destination, which was a house in the middle of the woods of nowhere, aka the home she grew up in.

She sees her dad in the yard, who smiles at seeing her. She smiles back at him and walks up to him, and they both hug each other.

Tai: "Well if it isn't my little fire dragon." They broke the hug.

Yang: "It's good to see you dad." They made their way inside. Where she sees Zai, who barks at her, and she pets her family dog. They make their way to the kitchen.

Tai: "So, how have you been and everything? Haven't seen you for a while."

Yang: "Oh you know being recognized as the only three men team to graduate Beacon. Getting an anonymous source, stopping Cinder and her little gang, which stop the fall of Beacon, finding out LionHeart was a traitor, finding out the Grimm have a leader, also finding out about Penny being a robot, learning about the maidens and how Pyrrha took the other half of some great power, helping Blake with the White Fang. So, you know it's normal." Tai chuckled at her.

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