Chapter 26

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GUESS WHO BACK TO DROP ANOTHER chapter! Yep, as you all can tell I'm back!! And I will say this...I was enjoying this chapter. 

Hopefully it's a good length for you all. 

Also hope you all enjoy vol 9, for me it was a great volume. There are something I wish but I will take what WE GET! And let's just say something we saw in Volume 9 will be in this chapter it small thing....kind of. I would have to go back re-watch the vol 9 to see if anything will more deeper come into play from it into this story we will have wait and see; heheh!!

I won't take too much of your time. Given I'm sure you all want to know what going happen next, so other then that....



We see Ruby and Adam charging toward each other; they zip past each other before turning a bit, swinging behind, and clashing with the other blade. The two would continue to counter each other by blocking the other strike with their swing or dodging.

Ruby ducked a strike, getting a small cut on Adam's side, but it wasn't deep, and he clearly showed no pain to it. Adam goes for a stab that Ruby dodge, but it skins her hair; in the process slash upwards, getting a silver slash on Adam left side, but he grit through and elbow Ruby in the back of the upper left shoulder and then kneeing her in the stomach, Ruby grasp a bit, but deliver a gut punch at Adam, who goes into the punch taking less damage proceed to punch Ruby right in the face; knocking her a bit.

Adam charges at Ruby, who fires mini silvers mist bullets that hit Adam, but he continues charging towards Ruby. He would swing down, where Ruby held her sword to block the attacks. Adam started to try to overpower Ruby; he was getting close when the silver sword Ruby was holding half in disappeared, causing Adam to fall forward as the blade was coming down. But Ruby had the sword tilt slightly and made the silver sword disappear on purpose; as she dodged Adam's swing and slashed past him getting a deeper cut.

Adam grabs his side but grits his teeth as he turns to continue his fight with Ruby, who also does the same.

We go over to Neo and see her fight with Tyrian, who is swinging clearly like the crazy maniac that he is. Each time Neo goes for a strike, the scorpion Faunus swings right after he misses a strike, let it be from his other arm with his sickle on or his scorpion tail.

Neo wasn't allowed to breathe as she used her semblance a lot more to avoid getting hit. On one of his strikes, she was able to see his foot lean forward a bit more than usual, she took this chance to get in close and get a slash on Tyrian with her needle sword, and as he tried swinging high, she put her blade in the crease of his weapon flipping him over. But, as Neo was going for another strike, she felt the sociopath's tail wrap around her waist and throw her right over him, making her bounce right off the ground beside him. Neo grasped as the wind knocked out her chest.

Tyrian does a spin kick, knocking Neo right into a tree and her falling into the brushes. As Tyrian smiles and begins to walk closer, Neo stands up, takes a deep breath, and stares at Tyrian.

Tyrian looks at her, confused but not removing his smile; Neo steps out. As she taps the ground, six clones of Neo appear.

Tyrian: "Ugh, this trick again. I'll break as many of your illusions! No matter how many you make, it won't stop your fall in this battle and your laying on the ground in your own pool of blood!!" He laughed.

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