Chapter 12

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Howdy, Howdy folks!!! Yep, guess what!!! I was able to finish this chapter for this story!!!! I wasn't forgetting about this Story!!! I love it too much, just been playing a ton of new games, opening another new book (Help ME!!!!! Lol), planning other work for the future, plus my IRL stuff I have to take care of.

But I'm back with a new chapter with Ruby has a daughter!!!

And to say this I had fun with this chapter!! MAN WAS THIS CHAPTER SO MUCH FUN to write I was having a ball! I hope you all enjoy it.

I dub this chapter....Ruby running an mini squadron army fade. Lol.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!! Yep, today is my birthday and this is my birthday present to you all!



Everyone is staring at Ruby and Penny in disbelief; no one dares to move or say a word. But someone had to break this silence on what the hell was going on here!!?!?

Blake: "What the heck is going on here?!"

Winter: Gets is a fighting stance with her swords, "We have been getting the order to bring in Ruby Rose and Neo Rose with their daughter even if it means by force and it looks like we are going to have to do it this way."

Winter and a few other Atlas soldiers charge toward Ruby and Penny. Ruby uses her semblances to zoom and begin to take out Atlas soldiers with no difficulty. She begins to make her way through the crowd of soldiers hacking and slashing at whoever she comes across. None of the guards could get a good hit on her with their weapon.

When aiming and firing a shot at Ruby, a few of the guards would miss and hit one of their men. Ruby soon reaches the middle and begins kicking and using her scythe to knock out soldiers left and right. Ruby uses the blunt end of her weapon, knocking one of the Atlas soldiers into a few other soldiers. She would duck a swing from another soldier and swing her scythe, cutting the dude a bit (not killing him) and spin it around her again to hit another soldier coming toward her from behind.

Ruby's eyes were moving fast, looking around at every single soldier on the fields, watching her blind spots and reacting. She then pulls the trigger on Crescent Rose using the force behind her weapon, smacking or crashing against soldier after soldier sending them flying from her crashing into them or them hitting into other members. Ruby was firing all around the field, and none of the soldiers could keep up or get a good shot or get a good hit on her. She lands right on top of one Atlas soldier guy's back and firmly plants him into the ground.

Some of the soldiers saw this as an opportunity and charged in, but Ruby saw them coming to dodge their swing, slash one guy to her right and threw him at the other guy that was on her left, and slash at the guy behind her. She made her way toward another part of the group and began beating them.

Penny was flying around taking out a few soldiers herself while clashing with Winter. Penny and Winter's blades clash multiple times, with Penny at one point in the middle of them running off their clash; she kicks Winter right in the chest and throws the spinning ring sword attack at Winter, which she blocks but chips some of her aura. Winter was able to knock Penny's attack away with the swords floating back behind Penny.

Penny is floating above them, staring down at Winter and the few Altas soldiers with her.

Back with Ruby, who has been wiping out soldier after soldier and still hasn't broken a sweat or even looked tired. One of the soldiers tried to get risky and throw a grenade at Ruby, hoping to do a ton of damage toward her aura, but Ruby. At the same time, her BACK was still turned doing one of her spins saw the grenade coming towards her, grabbed it stuck it on another soldier, kicked that soldier toward a handful of them while pulling off one of his grenades, pulling the pin and throwing it at the guy who threw the first grenade—causing two different explosions to happen.

RUBY Has a Daughter?!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora