Chapter 19: The Connection

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Emma looked at everyone with a questioning look "Well??.. Aren't you gonna tell me how'd you know where I was??" Max looked at everyone and shrugged "I don't know...maybe you should ask Lilly when she's better, you know that she's the one that told us where you were.". Emma glanced at Max then at Lilly's hospital bed and then said "I think I may know how you found me b-but that's not possible I-It can't be possible" she said "WHAT!! What is it?!?!" said Max shocked and eventually annoyed "N-nothing I'll tell it to you with Lilly when she's better" Max eye-rolled but just before she could say anything else the nurse came and informed everyone that visiting time was over and they all fled the room. Emma looked back at Lilly and went to her and sat down next to her as she held Lilly's hand. She sat there for a while and left.

A few months passed like that and after 2 years, One day Lilly woke up at 3 in the night and was scared as it was dark and creepy, suddenly the memories rushed back to her but before she could think about anything else she fainted again. The next day Emma was sitting beside Lilly, holding her hand when Lilly woke up and Emma rushed to call the doctors and the rest of a the family. Since Lilly got her memory back, Emma brought up the topic about how she and Lilly are somehow connected, Lilly agreed and after 3 days they released both Emma and Lilly and it was declared that Emma and Lilly had a connection.

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