Chapter 5

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I'll smack you handsome face

[Good morning! Did you have breakfast or plan to have it at the roadside stall for a sandwich?] Cresendra was locking her door before going out of the building to go to college.

She took out her phone to see who sent the message. She hailed a taxi and typed back.

[Sandwich. What about you?]

[I'm also planning to have breakfast outside.]

Cresendra remembered that she wanted to ask about his whereabouts. She still didn't know his name yet.

[You still didn't tell me which college you get in.]

[Is it necessary?]

[I'm curious. Now I'm curious why aren't you telling me. Are you an imposter?]

[Am I? :)]

What a counter question! Weird. Cresendra raised her eyebrows. Why did she feel so familiar with such a question?

[Are you going to tell me or not?]

[Let it be a surprise. Okay?]

Surprised! Why should she feel surprised after knowing about his whereabouts? Did he really think that he was really something?

[Alright. Then tell me your official name.]

[Then you will easily know my whereabouts. No!]

This 'Champ' was annoying. Cresendra put her phone in her pocket and got out of the taxi to her favorite roadside stall.

"Good morning! One egg cheese sandwich." She gave her order and watched her sandwich getting ready.

"Egg cheese Sandwich." Someone gave the same order. Cresendra instinctively looked across the shoulder.

She saw a familiar pair of blue eyes and long nose... She averted her gaze.

Of course, it was Mathew. She put on her guards without losing a second.

'Just one step closer and I'll smack you handsome face.' Cresendra frowned and spoke internally.
A few minutes passed. Their sandwiches were ready. Neither Cresendra nor Mathew made any movement. Cresendra got her sandwich first and pulled a stool to sit so that she could have her sandwich comfortably. While passing through him she saw from her side glance that the other person was standing there without giving her a look.

While taking a few bites she observed him with a few more glances. He looked very calm and composed. He had an aura of privileged class. His movements were also formal. With such appearance, who would believe that he is a rogue. Cresendra hissed internally.

At Least this rogue had some self-respect, didn't bother her after getting scolded. She let out a sigh of relief.

After a few minutes Walter and Winny arrived. They were on the same way so they could accompany each other while coming to college and going back to their home. Walter waved his hand towards her direction to say 'hi' and ran towards his classroom. Winny and Cresendra also went to their class.

"Hey Cresendra, hey Winny!" There was 5 min break between the classes. Joe, one of their classmates, came to them. He was popular because he was the department representative.

"Hey Joe, what's up?"

"I'm fed up with students' affair issues. Did you witness yesterday's fight? We are collecting witnesses."

"No, we didn't witness anything. We left early yesterday. What happened?" Winny asked.

Joe rolled his eyes with another two nos.

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