Chapter 6

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I'll smack you handsome face

Cresendra came out of the class and headed towards the ground where police were arresting students. She couldn't find Winny and Walter. She called them but the other side didn't pick her call. She came out of the college to walk towards her home. The day was full of chaos.

Half of her brain was now filled with the conversation between her and Mathew. The more she thought, the more irritating she felt.

The person called Mathew would not be as easy to deal with. Yet, she was reluctant to share this so-called problem with her friends.

Soon her phone vibrated. Anthena was calling her.


"Cres, Are you okay?"


"I just saw the news about your college. Where are you?" Athena's voice was a bit hoarse and anxious. Cresendra felt a little weird.

"I'm heading home. Don't worry about me. I just saw students fighting from afar then came out of the college."

"Allright. Be careful, honey."

"I will. How are you there?"

"Your aunt is good. Will return soon. Alright I gotta go."


Cresendra cut the call, saw a new message on the notification bar.

[Hey, how are you?]

[I'm good. There's a conflict in the college. I came out ]

[Gang fight?]

[You can say so.]

[You what I just discovered today?]


[Your college!]

Cresendra raises her eyebrows. She was amused. Did she tell him that she was not going to tell where she was studying? Hello bro, Did you have a misunderstanding?It was him who didn't give her any information about him.

Another message appeared again.

[You didn't fight, did you?]

[Of course not. I'm a good girl. How are you? No class?]

[Not for now. If you need any help, I'm one call away. I already familiarised myself with the city. So, I can go to you at any time.]

Cresendra felt warm when she read the message. Except for Athena, Winny and Walter, she never felt so warmth from anyone. Her smile of appreciation covered her face.

[Thank you.]

Cresaendra's irritating mind was now balanced by Champ's messages. It's good to have relatives. Cresaendra's was grateful for having her mom's friend.

After her mother's death she didn't get to see her grave. She was immediately taken away from there by her aunt. They had changed their location three times because of Athena's work. Cresendra was still unaware that Athena had been changing her address because they were being followed by someone. In order to avoid being hunted down Athena kept changing their location.

How long would Cresendra be kept in the dark? Soon, she would turn 18. Everything would change. Athena already started to plan for her birthday. Although she kept Cresendra for a reason, she also loved her niece.

[Hey, I want help.] Champ texted her again.

[What is it?]

[I'm approaching a girl in my college. I think I'm a bit harsh while I was approaching her. Do you have any idea.]

Cresendra raised eyebrows and texted,

[Harsh means ? Try to befriend her first and try to get to know her.]


[Gift her flowers, most of the girls like roses.]

[What about you? Do you like roses? ]


[How do I suppose that the girl I like likes roses or other flowers?]

[Easy. Ask her friends.]

[Will it work? Because whenever I see her I want to kiss her.]

Really? Is this guy that desperate? Cresendra felt awkward because she had never experienced such a relationship.

[I'm 90 percent sure that It will work if you are handsome and if you don't kiss that girl.] Cresendra sent the message with a funny emoji.

[Oh shit! But I've already kissed her cheeks without her consent. She was very angry. I mean whenever I see her she gives me a cold shoulder.] Champ spilled the bean. [But I really like her.]

Cresendra was speechless.

[It's okay. If your heart is true, she would definitely understand. Don't act like a rogue next time.]

[Alright. Thanks for your advice.]

Cresendra found Champ's approach very funny. Where on earth did he learn to find a girl through such a method? Even though he was naive, Cresendra felt warm. All she had was her aunt. A sense of having someone close was new. All thanks to my mother who left her good friends for her. She felt that her mother was quite social and kind because even after her death, her friends had only good words for her.

Cresendra soon reached home. She had a quick shower. After arranging her things, she opened the lower cabinet which she rarely opened and took out an old album. The cabinet contains all her mother's memories. Cresendra was too young to remember her mom's face. She missed her, she doesn't like being alone all the time. Her mother had a lot of friends. She was cool and looked young

'I miss you mom!'

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