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I toss my hair over my shoulder as my mom's friend made last minute adjustments to my prom dress. Ari was a dope designer. She did my dress for the banquet. I might not enjoy tonight but at least I looked good.

 I might not enjoy tonight but at least I looked good

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"Oh my god my baby!" My mom gushed "You look gorgeous."

"Doesn't she?" Ari said stepping back from me

"Thank you guys." I smiled

"Yesss!" Kalani snapped coming into my room "You're literally laced in diamonds! Ari I'm in love."

"Thanks babes." Ari smiled "Well I gotta head back to the studio, enjoy Prom girls!"

My mom followed Ari out my room as Lani joined me in the mirror fixing her lashes. Kalani's dress was all black. She said she wanted to keep it classy this year. Darius was supposed to match her in a Tuxedo. 

"They should be dropping off the car any second now." Kalani said checking her phone

Sebastian rented a Rolls Royce for the evening in a further effort to apologize to me about Skai. A Rolls was my dream car which he knew. I didn't care about his grand gesture though.

"You okay?" Kalani asked snapping me out of my thoughts

"Yea....no." I sighed sitting on the edge of my bed

"Carter?" She asked sitting beside me

"I just don't understand how we got here." 

"Why don't you talk to him then? You said he left you a voicemail right?"

"Yeah I just don't want him to think that he can play me and I'll take him back like nothing ever happened."

"Then tell him that, you guys have been avoiding this conversation for too long now."

"You're right." I said getting up "I'll try and talk to him after Prom."

"Girls, the boys are outside!" My mom shouted

"Ooo I can't wait to see Darius in that tux." Kalani smiled

We made our way outside and the guys were standing at the end of the driveway by the all white Rolls Royce. I can't lie Sebastian was looking good. He had a fresh line up and diamond stud earrings in. When he saw me he instantly smiled widely.

"Wow." He said as I got closer to him "You look... wow... you look....damn Nala."

"Well thank you." I said

The photographer put us in various poses to take photos as my mom stood behind him taking photos on her phone. Kalani and I took some photos of each other as well. After we all got done we said bye to my mom and the other parents and got in the car. Sebastian drove with me in the passenger with Kalani and Darius in the back. He takes my hand kissing the back of it as he links them together.

"I want this to be the best night of your life." He said looking over at me

I just smile and nod and look out the window on my side. Prom here we come.


"Coach Chris we're gonna have you at the front checking tickets and afterwards you can come in and chaperone the dance." Katie said as she marked on her clipboard

There were about 6 staff members here. Only reason I agreed was because I know I'd see Nala. We've been avoiding each other for too long now. To see that she wouldn't even answer my call let me know that she may want this just to be over. Not without me fighting for it though.

Students start to file into the venue at the check-in desk. My job was just to stand next to the table as Tonya the Dean did most of the talking. I opted for a simple black suit and white button up with velvet loafers. While some of the staff went all out for their look tonight I wanted to keep it simple.

Seeing a flash of yellow I look up to see the most gorgeous woman I've ever seen in my life. The diamonds on her dress shined aimlessly as she conversed with Kalani. I could not take my eyes off her. Her hair was curled and held a middle part. I'd kiss her right now not giving a fuck about the other students and staff that would see. 

Kalani saw me staring and whispered something in Nala's ear. The two of us were staring at each other now. Why was I all of a sudden nervous under her gaze. I mean I'm a grown ass man this shit ain't never happened to me before. She was getting ready to mouth something to me but was interrupted by Sebastian wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing her cheek. He whispered something in her ear making her giggle. Turning her around his hand slid down to her ass as they share a kiss.  

I couldn't look any longer, I could feel the anger rising in me. Did she seriously just kiss this nigga in front of me? I inhale slowly in an effort to calm myself down.

The two pairs approach the table handing Tonya their ticket.

"Ms. Jones you're gown is wow!" Tonya said

"Thank you Dean Sanders."

"You and Sebastian keep coming back year to year serving looks. That's what the kids are saying right?"

Goodness Tonya could you try any harder.

"Yeah you got it." They all laughed

Nala avoided my piercing stare as each of them handed Tonya their tickets. Through her body language I could tell she wasn't comfortable. Anytime Sebastian would touch her she would tense up forcing a smile. If dude really fucked with her as heavy as he's trying to make it seem he would pick up on that and he's known her longer then me.

From the months that her and I spent together I know that when she's hungry she starts to fidget, if she's nervous she bites her lower lip, when she's horny her eyes get low and she always crosses her legs, and I definitely know when she's faking a genuine interaction. I know that girl inside out. Literally.

"Enjoy the Prom." Tonya smiled

As Nala walked past me I grabbed her hand for a brief moment. As she continued to walk past me she looked back at me with endearing eyes. It's like she was trying to communicate something to me but couldn't say it out loud right now. She quickly turned around feeling Sebastian grab her hand and continued to walk into the venue.

I was going to get my girl back tonight.

No Matter What.

Coach CarterWhere stories live. Discover now