Chapter 20 | News?

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✨Time Skip to Wednesday Lunch Time✨

Y/n's POV

It's been 2 days since I was treated for my wounds. Not much has happened, since I had to sleep through most of the last couple of days. The girls have been kind bringing me flowers, chocolates and food 'They do know I'm not on my period right?' Anyway, today I'm back in class and I have a make up coffee date with Shinso after school... which I still need to ask permission from Aizawa-Sensei.

There has been no news on my mother since I reluctantly went to Eraser Head about the situation, until...

"Alright, class dismissed. You can all go to lunch, except you Hatori."

"Huh? I didn't do anything this time?" I throw my arms up in frustration as Mr. Aizawa ignores me and tiredly bumps all the papers from last weeks homework against the desk to straighten them up. I go back to finishing packing my bag, as does everyone else. I leave my bag sitting on my chair while the class leaves for lunch.

"What have I done now Sensei?" I ask hangrily. He looks over to the door that was still open. I follow his gaze confused on why he is just staring at the door frame.

"Bakugo I know you are listening in, this matter doesn't concern you but you can stay if you choose." The sleep deprived teacher starts hopping into his crusty old yellow sleeping bag as a blonde Pomeranian walks through the door, bag slumped on his right shoulder and left hand in the pocket of his baggy pants.

As surprised as I was that Aizawa knew he was there I kept a blank face. "As I was saying, Hatori I have kept you back to infrom you on more information about your mother." He pauses to read my face for some sort of reaction to which I give none.

"Myself and a couple of other hero's went to the address of your mother only to find everything still there but the wardrobe has lots of clothes missing and some of the clothes were scattered on the floor as if someone was leaving in a hurry." He takes a deep breathe then looks up into my eyes. "Your Mother has not been found, we believe she has run away but we will be looking for her."

My eyes widens in fear and my breathing quickens. 'She is going to come after me. I'm not safe anywhere. The heroes still couldn't do their jobs.' My face changed from one of shock to one of anger. "Wow, you heroes still can't do your jobs can you. Now my mother is going to hunt me down and kill me. I was better off with the league of villains."

"Tch, why are you so scared? You have fought some of the greatest heroes yet your afraid of your mother?" Bakugo speaks up.

"1. My mother knows my weaknesses and will not hold back from killing me. 2. I know you are scared of your mother when you know you have crossed the line. 3. Those heroes were weak. And 4. I could beat yo ass any day you angry porcupine, plus you remember how you found me 3 days ago." I sassed the boy. Bakugo started shaking with anger at this ready to blow my head off if it wasn't for Mr. Aizawa standing right there.

"That's enough you two." Our teachers black greasy hair stood up and his eyes glowed red stoping Bakugo from exploding the whole school.

I roll my eyes grabbing my bag from my seat heading to the door. I turn just enough to face both of the males. "If you hero's aren't capable at handling this then I will. I'll hunt that woman down before she can hunt me down. It's about damn time I stopped being a freaking wuss and stood up for myself." And with that I left the class room to the entrance of the school.

As I neared the school gate a voice caught me. "Hey, Hatori. Wait up."


Hey darlings sorry I haven't posted in a while and I know I said I wanted to make my chapters shorter this wasn't what I meant but anyway thought I should update at least, please do let me know in the comments your thoughts on my story because I do want to know what you guys as readers would like to be reading more or less of. Also sorry for my writing becoming more and more crappy 😅. Also one more thing do you guys actually read this? If so in the comments write flower gleam and glow. Yes I like tangled so what. Now...


Word count just in case y'all actually care... 800

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