Chapter 22 | Alarms

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"So I take your silence as a 'I will stay'" I look back up to the teacher calm expression resting upon my face. Then poof, I was gone...


Aizawa's POV

'Did Hatori really just teleport away? She has probably gone after her mother' "*sigh* you two boys start looking around campus for Hatori in case she is still on school property. I will go to Principal Nezu and tell him to lock down the school." The two boys nod to me and split off as I walk to the small rodents office.

Knocking on the large brown door I hear a small "come in". I twist the door nob and push it open. "Nezu, Y/n Hatori seems to have possibly escaped, I say the best course of action is to lockdown the school until we find her. I have two of my students looking for her on campus and I will be looking around the area." I inform Nezu while placing my yellow goggles over my eyes.

"Hmm, thank you for informing me Eraser Head. I'll lockdown the school if it means keeping the students safe. For all we know young Hatori could have gone back to the league." The white furred creature thinks out loud. I nod and start moving to find her. Moments later I hear the lockdown alarm going off throughout the halls of the school and dorms...

Y/n's POV

I teleported to my room, I was annoyed but I knew Eraser Head was right. Sure I still have restrictions but I have more freedom here than in prison, and I could probably work my way up to getting more freedom. I sit on my bed with a frustrated/calming sigh when I hear a blearing bell noise ring through the dormitory. 'They probably thought I escaped.' I roll my eyes walking out my room and down into the common room knowing if someone was smart enough they would check the dorms.

"Why is this alarm going off?"

"Is the school being attacked."

"Is it Villains?"

"Has anyone seen Y/n Hatori?" All the students were asking different questions and when one person said my name everyone stopped and looked to the person who asked.

"Have any of you seen Y/n Hatori?" They asked again. A chorus of quiet no's went around the room as the class looked at one another.

"Why are you looking for Y/n? Is she in trouble? Should we be worried about the alarms?" Mina questioned the person.

"I'm here." I announce unbothered from the last few steps as everyone turns to look at me. "Shinso you can tell them to stop the alarms, I came here into my dorm room." I explain. The purple haired boy sighed of relief and started tapping away on his phone. Minutes later the alarms stopped. Shinso proceeds to walk up to where I was on the last step, so I was slightly taller. "Hatori can you please explain to me why Aizawa said you might have to go to prison? Like I know you are a villain but all you did was steal stuff? Right..?" The boy whisper shouted.

"I don't need to explain my whole life story too you, but you are the only person here that can have a somewhat understanding of being a villain... let's just say, I'm not really who you think I am." I walk past the confused boy heading for the kitchen until I hear explosions. 'Great.' I think to myself waiting for the bomb to attack me.


"BAKUGO NO QUIRKS INDOORS!" Iida chops the air while Bakugo tackles me to the ground pretty much foaming at the mouth. I just lay there, under Bakugo not bothered to fight back or move.

"I'm going to hand you into police and you will go back to where you belong." The blonde growls.

"Well done Bakugo you found me, do you want a gold star?" "Tch" "I never left the school gates so you have no reason to hand me in."

"Oh but I do have a reason to hand you in Quella." My face changes to one of surprise. 'How the heck does he know I'm Quella?' "That's right I know your dirty little secret. I found the katanas and the red scarf under your bed." 'THAT BASTARD!!!' I thought to myself as I started to try and get out of his grip.

"Now, now, don't try escaping again because I think the WHOLE CLASS DESERVES TO KNOW!"

"We deserve to know what?" Shinso, Mina, Kirishima and Uraraka ask as the others start gathering around.

"Do you wanna say Y/n Hatori? Or should I do the honours?" Boom boom boi smirks. Everyone continued watching wanting to know what Bakugo was on about. I growl at the boy above me as his smirk somehow gets bigger at this and holds my glare. "Oh I guess I get the honours then. AS EVERYONE KNOWS, HATORI HERE IS A VILLAIN!" He spat, grin still wide and vermillion eyes still staring back. "BUT WHAT MOST WOULDN'T KNOW IS THAT SHE ISN'T JUST YOUR STEALING KIND OF VILLAIN. NOOOO SHE IS QUELLA. THE ONE WHO ATTACKED AND INJURED SO MANY OF OUR PRO HEROS, YET WE LET HER LIVE IN AMONGST US?"

"Well that makes sense with the prison comment" Shinso whispers under his breath trying to process the information while the girls looked hurt and the boys looked shocked. [Yep, I'm so lost with where I was going with this chapter... 'it's about drive, it's about power, we stay hungry, we devour, put in the work, put in the hours and take what's ours'] Man I miss a lot of the old TikTok trends, times were so much simpler back then]

"Thanks bakuhoe, you just helped me out, now everyone is terrified of me, therefore they will leave me alone. But you can't hand me into the hero's because they are the reason why I'm here. So, if you have a problem with me being here take it up with them. Now if you could ever be so kind and let go of me so I can go make myself some food, that would be greatly appreciated." Bakugo got off of me with a growl and wasn't happy that I seemed unfazed by him telling everyone about my little secret. But to be honest, I was a little pissed.


Hey babes, yehhhh this chapter sucks ass but oh well. I haven't got much to say other then... 912 READS!!? THANK YOU ALL FOR READING. It means so much to me, and you guys should know the drill, feel free to comment or give in put on what you might like to read in the book. NOW...


Word count just in case y'all actually care 1144

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