Chapter 25 | Truth or Dare

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Everyone was sat down at the dining table ready to eat, I brung the last two plates out, them being mine and Mina's, and placed them down in front of us. We take are seats and everyone digs in.

"This tastes great Mina." Jirou places a dumpling in her mouth.

"MmMmMMmmmm. The flavours are melting on my tongue." Denki says mouth still fall.

"Thanks, but Y/n helped make it too." Mina rubs the back of her neck with a smile. Suddenly Bakugo stops bringing the food to his mouth. "Is there a problem Bakugo?" I ask with a brow raised.

"Luckily I haven't eaten any yet because for all I know, you could have poisoned it." He grumbles.

"Ok raise your hand if your food is poisoned." I ask looking up and down the table. "Mineta, Why is your hand not up? I said raise your hand if your food is poisoned. Now put it up." At this the grape boys eyes widen with worry and starts screaming but everyone just ignores him.

"See no one is dying, no ones food is poisoned." Yet Bakugo still refuses to eat. So, I reach over scooping some of his food up and eat it. "Now if it was poisoned would I eat it?... Actually don't answer that." The blonde lifts up a brow questioning what I meant but decides not to verbally. "Anyway, my point is that I didn't poison it, plus Mina was watching what I was doing. So do you trust Mina?"

He rolls his eyes and hesitantly eats some rice. He continues eating as well as everyone else. Once everyone was finished, I went around the table and started collecting bowls and plates to take to the sink. On my way, Sero And Kirishima take the bowls and plates out of my hands and place them by the sink to start washing. "Hey that's rude." I cross my arms. "Nope, you made dinner so we are cleaning up." The red head explains. "Aight, suit yourself." I wasn't gonna complain about getting out of chores.

I walk out to the common room where everyone else was, playing truth or dare. "Bakugo truth or dare?" Todoroki asks, some how he was dragged into the game as well as Bakugo. "Tch, truth?"

"OH OH OH I GOT ONE!!" Mina yells with her hand waving in the air and jumping up from her spot while taking a glance at me. "Ok, would you rather have Midoriya as your husband or Y/n as your wife?"


"And if you were my husband, I'd drink it." I retaliate as I sit down next to Denki and Hagakure. He lets off his signature "Tch" but with a tiny grin that he hides. [Wow 2 tiktok references already. Maybe I should stop...😅💀]

"Y/n, truth or dare?" Hagakure asks me.

"Oh no, I'm just here to observe the chaos, not be in it."

"Oh come on Hatori, I'm sure you will have fun." Ochaco chimes with pleading puppy eyes.

"Ugh, ok, umm... dare?" I ask with my index finger and thumb on my chin.

"OH I DARE YOU TO KISTH ME!" Mineta shouts from the corner of the room jumping up.

"Can I be dared to kill him?" My e/c eyes start glowing white.

"I mean... you could without having to do it for a dare..." Jirou shrugs.

"Yeh but I kinda need an excuse since it's not "the hero thing to do."" I do finger quotations, eyes returning to their beautiful e/c.

"Ok but for real, I dare you to whisper something dirty to the person on your right." Denki proudly suggests to me as he starts leaning towards me to listen.

"Denki babe, your on my left." I push him back into his original sitting position while he pouts trying to calculate in his head his left and his right as I lean over to Hagakure, my hand cupped around what I assume her ear to whisper. "My dirty laundry." In a hushed voice only for her to hear and aggressively biting my lip as I back away. She starts giggling but no one will ever know what I said.

The game keeps going around and starts getting a little spicier coursing most to leave to go to bed but the bakusquad and a couple from the dekusquad were still left. Sero and Kirishima were dared to do the poki challenge, Sero broke away first leaving Kiri the "winner". Mina had a taste of her own medicine, she had to fess up on who she liked, that being Sero and luckily for her he felt the same way, so now they are together. Uraraka and Midoriya were dared to kiss, which took a long time to accomplish since Deku turned redder then Kiri's hair and ochaco ended up floating away accidentally.

Currently Mina is sitting on Sero's lap which was a dare they both obliged to do. Kaminari is trying to last as long as he can in a head stand, I had chug a can of f/f/d [Favourite fizzy drink] and burp the ABC's. "Hatori... Truth. or. Dare..?"
Sero asks in a dramatic TV show host voice.

"Dare." Sero starts whispering back and forth to Mina trying to make an evil plan from the looks of it. Once they finished their secretive talk, Sero buries his face into the crook of Mina's neck with his arms around her waist. "You guys are such a cute couple, it's gross." I comment coursing the pink girl to giggle.

"Gee Thanks. Anyway, we dare you to swap clothes with Bakugo." I look over to said boy who is staring back.

"Heck no. Like hell I'll be caught dead wearing that." The angry blonde porcupine points to me. I stand up and walk over to the boy putting my hand out for him to grab to get up from the floor. "Come on you big baby, it's not like you have to wear a dress and heels." He grumbles under his breathe and hits my hand away. We walk over to closet and hop in facing away from each other.

"You better not turn around daumbass."

"Same goes to you porcupine."


Hey darlings. I don't have anything to say, which is a first. Hope you guys are enjoying the story and I feel like my writing is getting progressively worse so thank you for sticking it out. Now...


Word count just in case y'all actually care 1111

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