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' They're gonna love you, I promise. ' John said, wrapping his arms around your waist from behind as you were putting on some mascara.
' I don't know John, I'm scared. ' you said.
' I'll be there by your side the whole time, okay? ' he said, turning you around and giving you a kiss.

You reached John's parents' house.
' you ready to go? ' John asked, bringing you back to reality.
' y-yeah I guess.. ' you said.
'alright then let's go' John said, getting out of the car and so did you.
You straightened out your dress for like a 100th time again, before walking up to the door. John rang the doorbell. His mom opened the door.
' oh my god y/n!! It's so nice to finally meet you!! ' she said, hugging you.
' it's nice to finally meet you too!! And you're so much more prettier than the pictures I've seen of yours! ' you said.
' oh come on don't be silly! ' she said, standing aside to let you guys in.
As you reached the living room area, you were about to sit down, that you heard a voice,
' oh you must be y/n! God it's so nice to meet you!! John talks about you all the time! ' it was Dale.
You stood up quickly and shook Dale's hand.
' pleasure to meet you too, Mr Orlando' you said.
' Aah call me Dale! What's Mr Orlando!? ' dale said.
You guys sat down and mer called John's sisters.
' hey come down! Y/n's here! ' she said.
You heard a few whispers and saw Maddie, Lauren and Darian come downstairs.
' hey! It's nice to meet you! ' you said, going in for a hug, but Maddie stepped back, faking a smile.
' yeah pleased to meet you too. ' they said, without showing any pleasure.
So you guys sat down and talked to them. John's sisters were rolling their eyes everytime you said that you loved him. Then,his mom and dad went in the kitchen and asked John to come help them. He kissed your temple and said,' I'll be right back' you smiled and looked at his sisters.
' hey can we talk to you upstairs?' Lauren said.
' sure!' you said, thinking that they might actually like you.
When you went upstairs,they took you to Maddie's room and shut the door.
' why are you with our brother?' Maddie said.
' what do you mean? I love hi-'
'oh shut up! You think we're gonna believe you?' Lauren said, scoffing.
' you're just a slut, who's after our brother for his fame and money' Darian said.
' yeah otherwise,where were you before his career took off?' Darian asked, crossing her arms over her chest.
' We know what kinda person you are okay? Now you're gonna STAY AWAY FROM JOHN YOU GET IT HOE?! KENZIE IS SO MUCH BETTER THAN YOU!'  Maddie yelled all of a sudden,making you flinch.
Then you heard the sound of something falling behind you. You turned around to see John standing there,a bouquet of flowers lying by his feet. Tears brimming in his eyes.
' How could you?' he said.
' John I know, I'm just gonna leave okay I knew I wasn't good enough for you' you said hurriedly.
' It's not you love, I'm talking to my dear sisters.' John said through gritted teeth.
' John believe us. Listen to us while there's still time!' Lauren said.
' just shut up!' he exclaimed.
' John no! Your sisters are right,I should leave.' you said, running downstairs,tears blurring your vision.
' y/n?' Mer said.
' it was nice meeting all of you.' you said,before running out the door.
'Y/n!!' John said, coming after you.
' y/n stop!' he said, finally reaching you and holding your wrist.
' why John!? I always said I don't deserve you. You're way too good for me. I'm fat and ugly and untalented!! Kenzie is so perfect!! All those articles are right you know..' you say, sobbing.
' what're you saying??' John said, scared of your answer.
' what I'm saying is...I'm breaking up with you. I can't do this anymore. I can't be with you, just so it dawns on you that your sisters were right! I know you love your family and I don't want to come between you guys. I do love you but this...I can't John!!' your sobs were uncontrollable now.
You got in your car and drove away. John looked at your car getting smaller and smaller with time. Tears started flowing down his cheeks as he realised he'd lost you.
heyy y'all!! I hope you liked this one!! Also part 2?? Tell me in the comments :))


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