t h i r t y n i n e

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"Porco." Pieck's voice was weak, barely above a whisper.

The train cars shuddered as they ran their course. The metal creaked up and down, coursing through every Eldian's bones. This was where they went to war. This was where they truly abandoned themselves. This was where hate gave in and hope gave out.

All the troops were silent, knowing what was to come. They'd die in a war that would not truly be theirs to fight. 

Porco's hair drooped across his face as he pulled his head up from its locked gaze at the window. He just hummed in response as he looked towards Pieck.

"I told her."

His eyes shot open immediately in surprise. Words lost their bearings as he stuttered out nonsense, "You- I- Wh- B-!"

But once he regained his composure, the only thing he could see on his friend's face was disappointment. There was an overarching sadness in her brow. Her mouth's corners tucked themselves downwards ever so slightly. Her eyes were glassed over.

He'd assumed she was down because of, well, going to war. He quickly realized that was not exactly the case.

"How'd it go?" He asked, already knowing the answer. It was written so plainly. He didn't have the heart to not say anything. 

Bony fingers played with the red insignia on her left arm. Her eyes didn't meet his. "She didn't doubt it." A small, half smile curled onto her lips. But it did not shield her from looking devastated.

"But she had moved on." A single tear fell onto her lap. She hoped that her friend did not see. But he did, anyways. "She said she needed to figure herself out. And she didn't want to give me false hope. She said she felt like there was something else out there for her."

Porco's mind immediately shot to both the previous holder of the Colossal Titan and to Eren Jaeger. He shook the thoughts as soon as they came.

"I'm so sorry, Pieck." He couldn't do anything to help her feel better, and certainly not in this crowded train car. 

She quickly wiped another tear from her cheek, "At least now I have my answer." She finally met his gaze, "No more what ifs, am I right?" 

She donned a smile that he could tell was just for show.

And just a train car over, there sat a man with grown out brown hair and piercing green eyes. The train rattled his bones just as much as it rattled theirs.

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