Dad Bakugou

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-Had this on my mind on and off for a while so, Dad Bakugou and his son Kaminari, don't think about last names too much, just everyone thinking Kaminari's dad is hot.

-Warnings: Older Dad Bakugou and son Kaminari



Kaminari is getting annoyed at this point.

It's like whenever he's brought up in a conversation someone will say it whether he listens or not. And he's forced to bear that same sentence constantly against his will.

His dad is hot.

He gets it alright! He knows his dad is good-looking and can admit it himself, but it gets weird when literally everyone thinks so too.

And there have been multiple occasions that it has happened.

Having a hot dad has its up and downs. The pros are that there have multiple occasions that they have been given biased advantages; skipping cues, discounts on many resources like food and clothes, better treatment in shops and even at his work.

The father-son duo are convinced that he received a promotion in the first month of his new job just because of his looks, but none of them are complaining.

But the cons are just down right horrendous. People flirting with the man left and right, even his teachers for gods sake. It's so annoying whenever his dads the parent to do teacher consultations and they pull him away in private to talk about Kaminari's "progress" but in all actuality they just do it so they can flirt with him without his child in the surroundings.

Sometimes it's the perverted stares that he gets by just about everyone, boys and girls, but mostly the middle aged women who are most definitely not single. It's sometimes even just weird and disgusting, like they're sexualizing his dad..


He can't even imagine how his dad feels. He seems to ignore it quiet well but you could visibly notice that it bothers him deeply.

But the worst of it is when people decide they just have to tell him too and if they don't then their cells would combust and their insides will fucking leak out of their ears with excruciating, unfathomed pain.

"Oh my god your dad is so hot."

"Is he single?"

"I would totally smash your dad."

"Does he have a six pack? He must obviously have one right?"

"Are you sure you're his son? You look nothing like him."

All the comments and questions imaginable have been inquired and it's so fucking annoying sometimes. Both unsettling and nasty. Sometimes he wishes that his dad just looked a little less hot, or even not hot at all. It's not like he even inherited any of his looks so it would have affected him.

His mom and his dad had a divorce when he was 8 years old due to constant conflict between the two, what really triggered the legal divorce was when his mom took an extra step in bitch behavior and cheated on him.

He's heard people even say that his mom is crazy for cheating on what they call a "dream man".

They surprisingly co-parent successfully and have managed to now form what could somewhat be considered a neutral relationship. However, they almost never converse other on the basis for their son.

His mom moved out and got her own place somewhere closer to the outskirts. Kaminari goes there around twice a week and it's a nice place, but he much prefers the city.

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