Chapter 1

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A blonde woman steps out of her cabin with a bow and some arrows slug across her back "Wow it's a beautiful day today."  She continues to walk further out of the cabin and into the woods "Hope there's some good game out today." She makes it to the inference of the woods and walks down a trail that has been used many times before "Hm....maybe I should take a different route." After a while she walks of the path and in a random direction,being sure to leave marks so she can find her way back "Ok let's see here." She searches the ground a little and spots a mark in a tree that are didn't make "Ok so a deer has been through here." She spits more marks and starts to follow them until she sees a deer a few feet away " we go." She pulls out her bow and nocks and arrow as she breaths in deep and gets ready to fire "Here goes nothing." She lets go of the string and the arrow flies and hit a the deer in the heart as it falls over and hits the ground "Yes hit it." She walks over and guts the deer and takes it back to her cabin "Ok let's see...ah there they are." She follow the marks she left and makes it back to her cabin and see the door is wide open as it lays on the floor off the hinges "What the he-" She gets cut short as someone hits her over the back of the head and she falls on the ground unconscious

(Moments Later)
She wakes up slowly to see a face in front of her that has a devilish smile on his face "Hello there...your a pretty little thing aren't you." She goes to slap him but her hand doesn't move as she looks to see that she is tied to a chair "Let go of me you bastard." She spits in his face as he stands up straight and wipes the spit off his face "Oh a feisty on...I like them like that." He brings his hand up and with all of his force he slaps her as it leaves a bright red mark on her face and she laughs "You hit like a bitch." This makes him angry and he balls his fist up and punches her stomach "Hold your tounge bitch!" She coughs a little from the hit "Asshole." He gets more angry and he wraps his hands around hee neck and starts to shake her "How do you like that bitch." She starts to struggle to her free from his hold as her face turns a shade of red "Hey let her go now!" He stops and turns to see another man as the woman gasp for air "We didn't come here to do that...but while we are here." He gets an evil smiles across his face "We could have some fun."

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