Chapter 6

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(Viola and Fugue)
"Don't worry Viola...I told you before that I would be gentle." He spreads her legs and moves in using a knife to cut away her shirt "Hey asshole get away from there." He looks at her with a devious smile on his face "But why then I'll have nothing to play with." He cuts away the rest of the shirt and reveals her bra "Well now we're getting somewhere." He reaches his hands around and starts to un-hook the bra "Hey get the hell away." She gets the ropes drone and reaches for any kind of blunt object behind her "Oh come on now just let me have some fun." After not finding anything behind her she just clenched her fist and hits him which sends him stumbling back some in shock as she hurries to get the rope at her feet undone "Oh I see how you wanna play....this just makes it more exciting." He walks over slowly as she finishes undoing her legs and she runs into a different section of the house, hiding under a table "Oh wanna play hide and seek...well if I win you are my prize."
"Ok its gotta be one of these three houses." "Hey Beat?" Beat turns to look at March "Yeah?" March walks over there and kisses Beat "Please be careful." Beat smiles and hugs her close to him "Don't worry I'll be fine." "Ok Beat let's go look for Viola and kill Fugue." Beat turns to face Jazz "Ok I'll be there in a minute to help you search." He turns and faces Salsa "Look no matter what happens just promise me you will take care of March." Salsa nods "Don't worry about a thing." "Wait Beat I'll go with you guys." Beat looks at March "You sure you wanna go with us." She nods "I'm sure." He thinks for a moment and looks at her again "Ok but stay with me." "Don't worry I'll be fine." They all go to the first house and ask the owner if they can search the house to which he agrees "Ok Jazz she's not here let a go to the next house." "Ok let's hurry thought I just can't imagine what happening to her right now." They leave and move on to the next house and ask if they can search to which the owner agrees but again they don't find her "Ok so we know that she's in the last house now." They leave and go to the final house "Excuse me sir we're looking for one of our friends would she be here by any chance." The man looks at them "No but your welcome to search." "Ok thanks." They search and still find nothing but something caught Beats eye "Hey wait a minute." He pulls on a bunch of books until the bookshelf moves out of the way "Down here let's go." They all go down but the owner stops them" Hey you can't go down there." He runs after them but Jazz knocks him out "Watch me." They go down and look around "Viola are you down here?" Nothing but a maniacal laughter responds to the question "Well if it isn't Jazz and the weakling and oh...who's brought me another play toy." Fugue steps from the shadows holding his katana "I'm gonna kill you." Jazz runs at him and swings his sword but Fugue dodges it and swings at Jazz cutting his arm "You can't defeat me." Beat runs at him as well March swinging their weapons but he still dodges and cuts Beat and kicks away March "Oh my god you just don't give up do you well now it's time to say goodbye forever." Fugue lifts up his sword to stab Beat strait in the heart but as he brings it down a figure runs in front of Beat and gets stabbed instead of Beat and his eyes are wide open about to cry "March?"
A/N I know this chapter is probably short but I am excited because of the over 100 reads in under 3 days I'm gonna keep this going and I also wanna thank @inamichan for the votes

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