Chapter 2

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The woman starts to get scared as the man slowly approaches "Stay the hell away from me." She starts to struggle against the ropes as he laughs and continues to walk toward her "Why are you struggling...I promise I'll be gentle." He makes it over to her and gentle lays his hands on her thighs and spreads them "This will be fun." Just as her moves closer to her private area a falchion sword goes through his chest and he falls over dead "Oh my god...thanks Jazz." The man named Jazz walks over and cuts her loose "You need to be more careful next time Viola he could ha-" "Yes I know Jazz." Viola stands up and stretches "Look let's just get out of here please." He looks at her with caring eyes "Yeah ok let's go." He hands her her bow and arrows and walks out of the cabin with her next to him "Where should we go Jazz." He looks at Viola and thinks "Wow she is ho- no Jazz she's a friend." He smiles" We'll go and stay with Alegretto and Polka until I can fix your door." She smiles and hugs Jazz "Thanks again for saving me." He hugs her back and smiles "No problem." He looks at her and feels something wet hit his jacket and see it's her tears "I just could even think of the stuff that he would do to me." He starts to hold her tighter and strokes her blonde hair "Its ok I'm here." She looks up and smiles "I know you are." She stands on her toes and kisses his cheek "Lets get going." He smiles after she kisses him and his mind starts to race "Oh my god she kissed,she kissed me,she kissed me what do I do." He walks with her and smiles and without thinking he grabs her and kisses her on the lips but she pulls away "What are you doing?" He opens his eyes and turns red with embarrassment" Sorry Viola...i di-" He gets cut off when she runs and tackles him to the ground kissing him.

(Polka and Alegretto's house)
A silver haired man walks down the stairs of his little house and towards a woman with blonde hair that has two long braids "Good morning Polka." She looks up and smiles "Good  morning Alegretto." He makes it over to her and kisses her "Hetly you wanna go and visit Fredr-" He suddenly gets cut off by the sound of someone knocking on the door "Wonder who that could be." Polka gets up and walks over to the door, opening it as she gasps "Aria?"

A/N I added a new character just because

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