Chapter 5

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(Middle Of A Road)
A man is stumbling down the road holding his chest and he sees an imprint of the back of a jacket with letters that make the name 'Jazz' "So you did go this way with that little bitch." When he looks up he is wearing a monicle and has a katana "You can never escape from me....the great Fugue." He starts laughing maniacally and walks in the direction of Jazz's and Viola's footprints
(Jazz's house)
Jazz looks at Viola "Hey Viola can you get the door." Viola gets up and walks over to the door seeing Polka and Aria "Hey Viola is Jazz and everyone else here." Viola looks at Polka with a sad expression on her face "Yeah they are." "Viola what's wrong." Viola less them inside and over to Beat who is still being sown up by Jazz "Hey Polka and Aria." "Oh my god Jazz is he ok." Polka quickly walks over there and uses her magic to heal him some "Well he is now." She looks at Jazz and smile before focusing back on Beat when another person knocks on the door "Don't worry Jazz I'll get it." Viola walks over to the door and opens it but is hit over the head by Fugue as he catches her before she falls on the ground "Don't worry I got you now." He smiles devilishly as he walks away with her "Hey Viola who was it." Jazz gets worried after she doesn't answer and he walks to the door seeing it wide open and drag marks a on the ground "What the hell." He walks over and sees that Arco ,Viola's pet, is on the floor hurt "Hey buddy what wrong." Arco has something on his leg and he takes it off and reads it
Dear Jazz,
This is a word of warning stay away from Viola from now on ok
From, Fugue
Jazz stares at the note and clenched his fist grabbing is sword and walking out of his house with Aria,March,Salsa,Polka and a now healed Beat following behind him "Where are you going Jazz?" Jazz keeps walking but answers "To find Viola."
(Viola and Fugue)
Viola wake up tied to a chair again "Hey there again." She looks up to see Fugue and she starts to get mad "What the hell do you want with me you asshole." He smiles and whispers in her ear "I want to fuck you." She turns her head and head butts him but hurting herself more than him "You bitch!" He slaps her hard leaving a red mark on her face "You can go fu-" She gets cut off when he kick her stomach "Just shut the fuck up for now!" She starts to cry to herself but he sees her and gets in her face "I'm sorry didn't mean to hurt you." He goes to wipe away there are but she moves her head away "Just leave me alone you asshole." He walks closer to her and places his hands on her thighs "Now we might be able to do this without interruption from your little friend um...Jazz right?" Her eyes widen when she hears his name "How the hell do you know him." He smile softly "I saw his name in the dirt when you tackled him and you two made out so I followed the trail of footprints to his house and then BAM...we're here." He spreads her legs and moves in close to her to her "Now you ready to do this." She tries to move away but he just pulls her back "No get the hell away from me." "Oh come on Viola...don't be like that." He kisses her but she clearly doesn't enjoy it "Ugh you asshole." Sh gets some of the ropes lose as he smiles "Don't be like that." He kisses her again and she still doesn't enjoy it
(Fredric and Alegretto)
"Alegretto it's been quite an awfully long time should we go and find them?" He looks at Fredric "No let's wait a few more minutes." " I've been meaning to ask you." "What's up?" He turns to him and smiles "This may be an invasion of privacy but...have you two considered having a baby." Alegretto looks at him with complete shock "Yes that was a complete invasion of privacy." Fredric looks at him "Sorry it's just...I think of her as a sister and well I just want to see if you are having a baby." He looks away looking off in the distance still looking for them "Well Fredric I can't say that we haven't thought about it." Fredric looks back at Alegretto "Well why haven't you tried?" "Were just...afraid that the baby will be...different somehow." "Well that's a possibility but even if it is different won't you still love him or her the same." Alegretto looks at Fredric "Yeah we would but it's not us that I'm worried about its...these people in the world...they might try to throw him for her away for being different." Fredric puts a hand on Alegretto's shoulder "Well no matter what happens I'll be there for you guys."
"Jazz slow down what do you mean find Viola." He stops and turns to face Polka "Someone name Fugue kidnapped her and le-" Beat suddenly cuts him off "Wait Fugue kidnapped her." Jazz walks over to him and looks at him "What do you know about him." "March told you what I told her he nearly killed me...let's go get this asshole." Beat takes his weapon and holds it by his side as he walks with Jazz and the others follow as well "When I find him I'm gonna fucking kill him." Beat looks at Jazz "Get in line."

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