Chapter 3

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"Hey Polka." Aria walks inside and hugs Polka "My god it's been forever since I last saw you." Alegretto walks over and hugs Aria "Yeah I know but I finally was able to come visit." Suddenley a man dressed in purplish clothes with a top hat and a pocketwatch walks up behind them "Hello Polka and Alegretto who is this." Aria turns around and she nearly melts as she starts to think "Oh my he is...handsome." Polka looks at the man and smiles "Hello Fradric this is my sister Aria." Aria walks over to Fredric and holds out a hand "Hello it's nice to meet you." Fredric  smiles and takes her hands, kissing it gently "Nice to make your acquaintance Aria." She blushes and smiles "My what a gentleman." Polka laughs and waves them both inside "Ok you two come on in." They walk in and sit down by a fire. "So how have you been both of you."

(Meanwhile with Viola and Jazz)
She pulls back so she can breath some "Its ok Jazz." She leans to his ear and whispers "I feel the same way." He looks at her and pulls her back toward his lips "Good because I thou-" She cuts him off by kissing him again. She pulls back some and smiles "Do you wanna continue this elsewhere." He can feel his heart race and he smiles "Well if we're gonna do that then we should go to my house instead." She stands up and pulls him up "Lets go then." She grabs him by the arm and pulls him with her "Woah hey slow down now." They both laugh

(Meanwhile with Beat,March, and Salsa)
"Don't worry Beat were almost at Jazz's house he can help." Beat looks at March and smiles "Ok good thing to because I don't think I can walk much longer." She looks at him a little worried but then smiles "Hey guys we're here." Salsa yells back at them "Ok Salsa just a second." She looks at Beat and kisses him "We're here babe." He smiles weakly and nearly falls over but March catches him and lifts him back up "Please hang in there." He looks at her "Don't worry I'll be fine j-just.." He stops in mid-sentence and coughs up a handful of blood and see starts to tear up "Please Beat just stay awake were almost there."

(With Polka,Alegretto,Aria,and Fredric)
"Well sis I've been a job to make clothes." Polka smiles "Well that's good to hear, What about you Fredric." Fredric looks at Polka and smiles "Well I was asked by the price of Baroque to play at his wedding." Aria's mind starts to race again "Wow can play music...this man is amazing." Polka snaps her fingers in front of Aria's face "Hey sis did you hear me." Aria looks at Polka "W-What is it?" Polka laughs "I said dis you wanna go with us to watch Fredric play at Baroque?" Aria lights up and starts to talks really fast "Yes,Yes,Yes I wanna go." Polka laughs again "Well you better get ready were gonna go get everyone else and leave today."

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