Attack on Malibu

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(short filler. The movies aren't really important until Age of Ultron so.. yeah🤷🏼‍♀️ so this is sort of a summary of what happened with them in Ironman 3... So... Yea)

~Chapter 22~

Well that was two weeks ago and Tony still couldn't get Hadley talking to him

He sighed as he paced his house in Malibu

He'd had a rough couple of days that was for sure.

He even threatened a psychopath which was a grand idea

And now he was marching around in his suit, sort of scared for his life

And he was right to be.

Not 20 min later a torpedo was launched at his house

When Hadley got that news, it was absolutely heart breaking.

She cried for him

Was Tony really gone?

Hadley hugged herself as she dropped to her knees, sobbing loudly.

Natasha hugged her tightly as she cried

She couldn't believe this was happening... He couldn't be gone... He just couldn't

(Yo I just finished endgame for the first time.... Cried like a fucking baby)

Hadley wiped her eyes and stood "I-I need to go.." she mumbled

She hurried to her room and collapsed on her bed

She couldn't believe this

She hugged herself tightly, eyes tearing up again. Tony couldn't be gone

That was when her phone dinged

She sniffled and looked at it quietly

Voice mail from unknown number

"Who.." she mumbled before listening to it

"Hadley, it's me." Tony's voice cut through, Hadley sat up quickly, "I've got a lot of apologies to make and not a lot of time. So... First off, I'm so sorry for what happened in my lab... That was stupid and I swear it won't happen again... Also, it's Christmastime and I miss the hell out of you... Done. Sorry. And I'm sorry in advance because I can't come home yet. I need to find this guy. Don't come looking for me okay? You gotta stay safe, that's all I know. I just stole a poncho from a wooden Indian..." Tony sighed, "listen Meteorite I like you... Like a lot... What happened between me and that girl in the lab... It was nothing... It was completely forced on me... I swear I've changed... I changed for you Hadley... And I swear I will never be who I was again."

The line clicked once he was done speaking and Hadley let out a shaky breath of relief.

He was okay... He was alive...

She didn't know what she could do to help but all she knew was she needed to get to Malibu


Not sure how she got here

Fighting along side Tony on top of a dock against some kind of... Glowing guy, she wasn't sure on the details yet

Oh also she didn't have a fucking suit

Thanks Tony

She threw a guy that was about to attack Tony and looked at him

"Hey come on, watch your six!" She said, teleporting off

"oh come on Hunnybunny, don't tell me you didn't miss me" Tony remarked

Hadley smirked lightly "No I didn't miss you at all"

"Now that hurts"

Rhody chuckled and the three continued fighting and soon enough, they won


"I can't say I'm surprised this is happening" Hadley said as she carried a box, following Tony into the tower

"Well where else am I going to live? My house was destroyed by a lunatic" Tony replied

"Well I'm happy about it don't worry" she said, smiling at him

"I'm happy about it too" he replied, looking back at her

They worked together and got all of Tony's stuff up into the tower and unpacked

Tony smiled as he set up his lab with whatever he salvaged from the last one. He set up Dum-E and sat down

He sighed in content and leaned back in his chair

Home sweet home

(I know that sucked compared to the rest of the story but I don't care. I said it was a brief summary and I meant it. So yeah. Deal with it. Anyway, we're gonna move on now. So... ONWARD!)

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