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~Chapter 24~

Now this... This was paradise

Tony laid on his bed, propped up against the headboard as he looked at his phone

Next to him, cradled in under his arm, Hadley lay diagonally on the bed, reading a book.

Across the room the door was locked to prevent anyone from coming in

Tony sighed contently as he set down his phone. He looked down at Hadley and gently played with her hair.

Hadley smiled a bit at that

"So I was thinking.."

"That's never a good sign"

Tony chuckled "I was thinking that you and I..." He took her hand, "could make every other couple bow down in shame"

Hadley smiled lightly at his words and looked up at him

"You think so?" She asked

"Oh yeah definitely" he replied, "but you know... In order for that to happen we'd actually have to... Tell people about us.." he laced their fingers together quietly

Hadley sighed and laid her head on his chest "I know you want to Tony but... I just think it's not the right time... We need our heads focused... We need to be able to keep our minds sharp... Which means we can't tell the team... Because they'll freak out about it... And they'll think we'll get too distracted and-"

"I know I know. We can't have anything jeopardize the safety of the people... You're right" he said. He smiled and kissed her forehead "whatever... Doesn't matter anyway... Because no matter whether anyone knows... I still get you all to myself.."

"That's right you do Mr. Stark" she said, relaxing back against him


"Hey Tony?"

"Yeah?" Tony said, looking up from whatever he was tinkering with.

The two of them were spending time in his lab, avoiding the rest of the team, just enjoying each other's company

"What's this..?" She said, pointing at the four armed device, sitting on one of the tables. It still had a little bit of dried blood on it... Her blood... She knew that much

"Oh.." Tony watched her for a moment before standing and making his way over, "That is what that... Magicsty dumbass used to control you..."

"Why do you still have it?" She asked, hugging herself

"I've been trying to figure out how it works..." Tony admitted

"And did you?"

"I think so" he picked it up, "these arms drill themselves into the subject's back, usually after being put on by force, as evident by the bruising we found on you after we removed it... And once it's implanted, it delivers a steady stream of electronic jolts, designed to be at just the right frequency to wipe the mind blank and inspire compliance"

"Oh... Wow... So basically he electruted me into submission" Hadley said, hugging herself

"Yeah basically" Tony said, setting the machine down

He looked it over for a moment before looking at Hadley. His face fell when he saw the look on hers as she stared at the device

Tony sighed and pulled her closer "Hey. Don't worry. He's gone. He's dead. He's not going to hurt you again... He's not going to take you from us again... I promise... I won't let that happen.." he said

Hadley looked up at him with a quiet smile

"Thanks Tony.." she said softly

"Of course Shooting Star..." He muttered, placing a sweet kiss on her nose

Hadley's smile widened a bit at that and Tony definitely took note of it

"So what've you been working on?" She asked

"Come on I'll show you"


Tony glanced around the hallways quietly.

He checked the kitchen, the main room, the meeting room, each of the team's rooms, even his lab.

It was true.

The coast was clear

Tony grinned "Hey J.A.R.V.I.S.!" He said

"Yes sir?"

"Play our song" he instructed

J.A.R.V.I.S. didn't answer as music echoed through the halls of the tower

Tony smiled as he danced around the room, waiting

It wasn't long before a very tired Hadley showed her face

"Tony. Why are you playing music so loud at eight in the morning?" She asked

"Because. We are completely.." he slid on his socks over to her and took hold of her waist "alone"

"And you decided to throw... Another party" Hadley said, "I think we need to have an intervention about this because you have a problem. Tony. I only want what's best for you. Please know that I care about you but this has got to stop... Your party addiction has gotten too great"

"Okay first of all, it's only an addiction if it's a problem, which it's not, and second of all this is a two person party, meant to celebrate us. Nothing else. No drinking, no crowds, only you, me, and the music. So are you going to dance with me or what?"

Tony smiled and offered her a hand

Hadley chuckled and took it, letting him pull her into a loving embrace, kissing her nose

She laid her head on his chest as they swayed quietly to the music. And just as Tony said... It became nothing but the two of them and the music...

Yep. This definitely was paradise

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