On Leather Wings

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In the night sky of Gotham, a police blimp fly over the city. Two police pilots sit in the blimp looking over Gotham from the air.

"This is Gotham Air One reporting in. Things are actually quiet for once," The older pilot reported.

The younger pilot watches his screen when a blip appears, but quickly goes, "You see that?"

"What?" He asked.

"I had a blip. It just ghosted across my screen," The younger officer explained.

"I don't see anything."

"It was there. Whatever it is must be right below us," The younger pilot said before something flew past the cockpit window, "There it is!"

"There what is?"

"It looked like bat wings."

"Bat wings?" The older pilot questioned, "Okay, take us up through those clouds, just in case."

The younger pilot flies the blimp above the clouds. The older pilot looked around, but say nothing, "Sorry, kid. There's nothing up here."

"I swear, I saw it. Something was flying around up here."

The shadow of a giant bat creature is seen flying past against the buildings. The creature is flying to Phoenix Pharmaceuticals.

Inside, a guard is patrolling and making a demo tape for a radio ad on a micro-cassette recorder.

"Testing 1, 2, 3. Testing 1, 2, 3...You too can fulfill the dream of being a high-paid radio personality in your spare time, just like me. Just call-" The guard clears his throat, "Just call the Gotham Institute of Broadcast Arts! yeah, that's better. Call the Gotham Institu-"

The guard stops when he hears a crash and turns around to investigate. He looks in the room he heard the crash come from. He looks around, but finds nothing and takes a breath of relief before continuing his patrol. Then a shadow of a giant bat passes over him. The guard is attacked by the beast and drops his recorder under the desk. The guard tosses a chair that goes through the window, and then the bat picks him up and tosses him out and into the river below.

The next day, Commissioner Jim Gordan, Detective Harvey Bullock, and Detective Lara Adler meet the Mayor at his office with D.A Harvey Dent. Gordon lays a newspaper from the Gotham Glazer with the headline 'GOTHAM POLICE DECLARE WAR ON BATMAN' on the Mayor's desk.

"I didn't authorize this statement, detective," Gordon states firmly.

"Come on, commissioner, somebody asked me a couple of questions. I just gave them a couple of answers," Bullock explained acting innocent.

"You gave them without my approval. If you kept quiet, he wouldn't know we're moving against him."

"I'll find him," He said to Gordon before turning to the Mayor, "I need a little extra help, Your Honor."

"You need all the help you can get just for solving a simple open and shut case," Adler told him.

"What kind of help?" The Mayor asked.

"I want my own tactical squad for the sole purpose of throwing the net over this Batman," Bullock answered.

The mayor turned to Gordon, "Commissioner?"

"I've already denied the request. Nobody's taking a vigilante force onto my streets," Gordon told the Mayor.

"Your Honor, any nut case that dresses up like a bat sooner or later is gonna snap," Bullock argued.

"Listen, Bullock, it is not Batman 's M.O," Adler told him.

"Oh, yeah? Tell that to the guy he tossed through the window."

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