Season 1, Episode 1a.0

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Author's Note: So as I was writing this chapter, I realized I never explained the weird way I'm listing the episodes, huh? I'm sure no one's wondering why they're like that, and those of you who've read my Riku Brawnwen story already know the answer, but basically, the normal Episode numbers are going to be the actual episodes of the show, from the point of view of our main character, which in this story is Y/n L/n. Chapters that change that number after the decimal point will be filler stuff that happens in between episodes. This can be anything from a small bit of filler between episodes to something from a different POV.  Whatever the case, it's all cannon to this story, and is still goes in chronological order with the numbers. Lastly, you see that 'a' after the first letter? That's because unfortunately, this chapter had to be split into multiple parts due to Wattpad having an issue with saving my chapters. Hope that clears up any confusion. And with that in mind... let's continue, shall we?

As I ran up to the Rust Bucket, Grandpa Max came out and opened his arms to give me a big hug. I leapt into his arms and hugged him tight. I only just noticed that Grandpa Max kind of reminded me of my own father, from my old life. He was kind, and wanted to protect his kids (or in Max's case, grandkids) from the dangers outside of our control. The only difference was that my dad only ever had to protect me from the dangers of the gangs near where we lived, and the dangers of my own stupidity, while Grandpa Max knew about all the different aliens out in the universe, and had to protect us from that. 

Grandpa smiled down at me. "I take it you're ready for summer vacation?" 

"Yep," I said, popping the 'p' sound like Ruby often did. "No more dealing with delinquents who try and egg my house or annoying teachers trying to convince us to take summer courses, I get to have a nice, relaxing road trip with just you and..." 

I trailed off as I entered the Rust Bucket and saw Gwen sitting at the table with a grumpy expression. 

"Gwen?" I asked. "I thought you had all those plans this summer?" 

"Yeah, well, my mom and dad decided out of the blue two days ago that it would be good for me to expand my horizons and get outside my comfort zone." 

I let out a low groan. "Sounds like Sandra's meddling. She spent the last two weeks ranting about why I couldn't be more like you than Grandpa, she must've convinced your parents to send you out here with us. I am so sorry." 

Gwen got a sour look on her face. "Yeah, I figured that was the actual reason after what you'd been telling me about these last few months." 

I slid across from Gwen. "Well, I know it wasn't exactly your plan, but I hope you have fun with us. Can't help but admit I'm a little happy to see you here with us." 

Grandpa smiled at me and Gwen as I tried to cheer her up. I could tell he was happy to see us not arguing. I remembered in the original series he was exasperated by Ben and Gwen's arguing, so seeing us actually get along must be somewhat of a relief to him. 

Gwen and I continued to talk for a bit before we eventually reached the campsite for the night. Grandpa then revealed that we'd be eating grubs for dinner this evening, which caused me and Gwen to both recoil. Yeah, even after knowing it was coming, the thought still grosses me out. 

We eventually split off to do our own things, with Grandpa setting up a campfire for s'mores, Gwen on her laptop, and me going off for a walk. I looked up into the sky to see the probe coming down towards the earth, and even manage to catch the sight of No-Watch-Ben in the form of Canonbolt knocking it off course from heading to Max and sending it straight at me. I jump out of the way just in time to not get flattened, before I decided to hop down into the crater. 

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